The High Priestess & England

This topic is really geared towards members in the UK with knowledge of occulture history, specifically in England. What do you think of or associate when you think of the term “High Priestess” and England, any specific works of art, places, sculptures, living people, etc? I’m asking because this is part of a future project that I will be undertaking in England that is in the planning stages now. Thanks in advance.


Hiya OP! I’m reminded of what iirc is Queen Elizabeth I or maybe it was Queen Victoria? I’m forgetting who, but a Queen once led the defense force to repel an invasion while on a white horse after invoking the Sun and Moon. To me, this reads as the female spiritual power acting as the mediator between the celestial spheres, like a more star-oriented Hecate. You could try looking more into that style in Josephine McCarthy’s work! :slight_smile:


Thanks Qayos. For the sake of clarity, what I am looking for specifically is something that is a physical representation in England of a High Priestess. For example, a mummy of an Egyptian high priestess in the British Museum (I’m aware of those), or, something connected to a high priestess, living or dead, such as the Witches’ Cottage in Hertfordshire where Doreen Valiente and the Bricket Wood Coven would meet, etc. It could be an artifact somewhere that once belonged to a high priestess such as something one might come across in Boscastle at the Museum of Witchcraft. In other words, I’m looking for something physical and tangible that can at least be seen if not touched that has a strong connection to a high priestess whether its ancient, modern, dark or light. It could be Egyptian, wiccan, satanic, etc. It doesn’t really matter so much as there is a connection to a high priestess. The only catch is that it must be something that can be publicly discussed and not something that demands secrecy. I’m just trying to discover as many options as I can that are available for variety of choice when the time comes when I must choose. But it must be something exclusively English or at least physically located in England such as the aforementioned mummies at the museum. Thanks.