Prepare gifts for the Duchess of the West and place them in front of the sun fading beyond the horizon. Put three pomegranate fruits, two bananas, scandalous nuts, figs and other oriental sweets on the bowl. Put one open bottle of red wine and champagne next to it, and a new crystal bowl. Place two candles (gold and green) on the ground on both sides of the bowl, and place a Gremory seal stained with your blood under the crystal bowl. Put your favorite ring in the bowl.
Burn incense roses in honor of Gremory, in order to greet her with dignity in your temple.
The ritual:
Be worthy of the ritual that you are going to create, so put on decent clothes, summoning the Duchess of the West.
Lighting the left star, say :
Praedicate Divina Gremory
Moving to the right :
Ave Ambrosia Belua Ex Abysso – Venire Aethereus Gomory
Take an open bottle of champagne and spray it on the four cardinal directions, say the summoning formula :
An Tasa Shi Gremory On Ca
Then :
Pour champagne and wine into a bowl so that they mix among themselves and, facing west, contemplating the water surface, speak, invoking the Great Harmony :
The Black Duchess
The Lady of the Western Gate in the Golden Temple of Night,
I’m calling you,
Born in the womb of darkness,
Come from the scorched wastelands of the hellish desert of the black sun,
Sitting on a huge camel,
clad in precious stones.
Come at the head of your legions,
A seductress,
beautiful and terrible,
proud and gorgeous
wise and knowledgeable,
Patroness of the creators and rulers of the world,
Opening the way for the temptation of wealth to the seeker
Knowing the secrets of time,
My beautiful lady of the west,
The Lady of the keys to the treasury of the infernal Empire,
Lead me into the golden temple of the star of the night,
Tempt my mind with the riches of the world,
Dazzle my eyes with the splendor of luxury
Show me the way to a luxurious life where I can be the creator, ruler and king of my empire,
Let me sing hymns among your worshippers in the temple of Troy,
May I have an eternal place in it,
So be it!
Ave infernum
Ave Gremory
The Great Gremory,
In golden robes, you follow
Across the vast desert,
Legions of naked husbands and maidens follow you,
Devils are beautiful in face and body,
The eyes glow with light - red coals,
They carry golden bowls in their hands,
With earthly blessings,
Bodily delight,
Where will this caravan stop,
There goodness will awaken,
From the overflowing bowls
From jars filled with
It’s impossible to settle the score
Calculate the score
How many blessings will there be on earth,
Yes, it will be fulfilled with excess,
The seal of the Golden Idol will be marked.
Come Duchess of the West
In the host of your legions
To my house,
Wake up gold , silver,
Yes, leave abundance in my house,
Bring me the blessing of the Star of the night,
Measured by the Governor of the Golden Temple!
For a blissful life
In abundance and abundance,
In order to know satiety and open up to it with all my soul !
The Great Gremory
Fill this object (we call it what kind of object ) With your energy,
May it be filled with your blessing!
May he bring me grace, abundance and prosperity!
So be it!
Pick up the ring and put it on your finger.
Take a sip from the bowl where wine and champagne are mixed, pour the remaining liquid towards the west.
The ritual is over