The greatest wisdom I've ever heard (by Azazel)

“Words do not and can not define YOU. Every label cannot describe the unique you. Calling yourself a “demon”, or a “human”, “man”, “woman”, “animal”, or “beast” does not define you. These are mere words, and the uniqueness of you lies in experiencing yourself as you ARE, not as the idealization or deprecation, myriad they may be, that your mind may ascribe to yourself or be tricked into ascribing by others. As for the “ego” (defined here as the sense of “I”), as you can see, it is nothing yet everything, fullness yet emptiness. A concept of that which all others radiate and bounce off of. To realize the self is nothing is to achieve extreme and incredible power. Meditate upon this. You need no word, no incantation, no mantra, no fancy spell to attain this realization. Just introspection. A reflective moment to stop thinking in words and look beyond such notions. These are my greatest words of wisdom to you. “By nothing you are all, and by all you are nothing.” This, paradoxically as it may seem, is nonetheless the only so-called “truth”. This is also the secret to successful change-making through magick or “spells”.

“There is one symbol that can however assist in realizing the self is nothing. A single, empty circle. Draw it on your hand and gaze into it. Contemplate how everything inside the circle is also outside it and vice versa. The line of the circle is the line of your sense of self, the blankness within is the nothing of your self, and nothing outside the circle is the “nothing” or “everything” you will come to possess."

  • Azazel (channeled by Rayne)

Hmm, i like what you posted here. In my meditations with spirits , some of them insisted to meditate with a circle in my mind, now i see another having not the same experience, but close, i m happy. Have a nice day!

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Very nice, it’s useful and very poignant.

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I have seen a lot of channelings in this forum, I gotta say this one is very helpful, good for a change. I appreciate it.

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So…Azazel is basically a Buddhist.

“What is greater than god?”

“Nothing is greater than god.”

“Then become Nothing (No-Thing)”

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That interpretation, calling him a Buddhist, contradicts what he said at the beginning of the channeling.

Yes, I jokingly labelled him as a Buddhist, but Azazel is pretty much just repeating the teachings of many Easter tradition,s like Buddhism and Taoism.

It’s also the basis of the New Age/New Thought “I AM” teachings of Saint Germain, and Neville Goddard.

Our true Self is not the conditions of our “I” but our sense of Beingness, the No-Thing, which is beyond all forms.

The Tao that can be spoken of is not the eternal Tao, and all that.

My only thing is that spirits don’t really belong to a human ideology or an -ist, if that makes sense.


You are right, but I was just pointing out that this is not something uniquely profound from Azazel, but actually a well known spiritual principle found in many different traditions.

It’s all good, my friend. It’s always interesting when a demon from Western mythology speaks of something that is generally considered to be Eastern thought.



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