The first Gods

in a manuscript that I found it speaks of the creators entities that gave a part of themselves in the creation of the universe what ether & aether need interdimensional gods were called centera but today they go by another name Alaemiai what I heard from people is that they are elemental by Nature some people say either you invisible Gods has someone ever called is someone out there curious enough to call them up
one of them is attributed to the dragon god emplerl these aren’t spelling errors these are their actual names the reason I brought up this subject is EA talked about guns that didn’t change and I didn’t speak the same language did the new seminars he gave on YouTube

This is the entire concept behind the nameless dark gods, and those of the Necronomicon.


[quote=“maxout, post:1, topic:4377”]in a manuscript that I found it speaks of the creators entities that gave a part of themselves in the creation of the universe what ether & aether need interdimensional gods were called centera but today they go by another name Alaemiai what I heard from people is that they are elemental by Nature some people say either you invisible Gods has someone ever called is someone out there curious enough to call them up
one of them is attributed to the dragon god emplerl these aren’t spelling errors these are their actual names the reason I brought up this subject is EA talked about guns that didn’t change and I didn’t speak the same language did the new seminars he gave on YouTube[/quote]

Theres many versions about the topic
Theres the “builders” from the place ahead the Horizon of Eternity of AIN, and many manuscripts defines histories from other “trees”, because this are not the only tree…

Maybe is related to the ancient Lion race contemporary to elder Dark Gods, but I think it belongs to other tree, and connected with the Shaligram Fable…
Desteny sect talked in the past about the topic…
Just info…Im not pretty sure about that Centeria gods…

[quote=“maxout, post:1, topic:4377”]in a manuscript that I found it speaks of the creators entities that gave a part of themselves in the creation of the universe what ether & aether need interdimensional gods were called centera but today they go by another name Alaemiai what I heard from people is that they are elemental by Nature some people say either you invisible Gods has someone ever called is someone out there curious enough to call them up
one of them is attributed to the dragon god emplerl these aren’t spelling errors these are their actual names the reason I brought up this subject is EA talked about guns that didn’t change and I didn’t speak the same language did the new seminars he gave on YouTube[/quote]

Theres a way to get at least a “time calculation” of the origin. If the elder gods are “older” than Zim Zum ( the first demarcation of the 4th emanation of the absolute, called Samael ), you can realize the origin of that kind of Gods. You have at least 3 previous emanations before the final construct of the trees for this universe, so probably that would help to define the antiquity of that Entities.

There are people (even so called celebrities) who have had visions of prehistoric aeons where entities of darkness reigned. They could not explain their vision except to say that they were utterly horrified. Their knowledge of religion was limited to modern, mainstream practises. There are many gods more powerful and far darker than the personalities we find in Sumerian, Assyrian, Egyptian and Hittite tablets.

They can be rediscovered, we just have to put to practice what we already know. I’ve personally come across beings that are more powerful then any spirit or demon I’ve come across by soul traveling to the far reaches of the universe.