The Fire goes through

Before watching


Fire :fire:

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I must have missed something. Could you explain what’s happening in the pics?

You don’t see the trail of light going into EA?

Wasn’t there before the ritual and during it was

These are still frames. 1st frame doesn’t show the light behind the person, and the next frames do show a light behind a person.

There was no explanation that I saw of who the person is, what they’re doing, or what is significant about the pics. Thats why I asked the question.

I don’t see any evidence in the pics that suggests the light appeared out of no where, or that it is moving into the person.

Since these are still shots, I have no way of knowing if the light is being reflected from somewhere, if it was there but just out of frame etc.

Im not saying that its not magical phenomena, im saying from what was posted I had no wayof knowing what was going on, as there was no explanation given.

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This was left here for EA not for anyone else to get or understand. Hence, why I put in the section for EA.

He can make of it what he will.

The fire is known to only a select few.

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Alrighty then.

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