The Draconian Language, and Change Your Magical Motto/Name, Change Your Life!

Someone once wrote something on this, and was interesting enough to remember, perhaps a name that draws in what you’re seeking, and consecrating the day of your new Magical Motto/Name, and celebration of it every year?

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I honestly feel that having a celebration of a magical name just feels off considering that the name and motto will change as you change yourself and it feels like a celebration will bind the name to you.

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How about different magical names in different covens? Indeed the vibration gives an unique destiny within the life of the coven so this means a specific magical name can be excellent to achieve objectives in mundane life too. Just do it :wink:

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Perhaps I should make my motto a Draconian “He who draws to himself prosperity and blessings, celestial and infernal.”

“Qui prosperitatem et bona celestia et infernalia ad se trahit.”

Scots Gaelic:
“Bidh esan a tharraingeas dha fhèin beairteas agus beannachdan, celestial agus infernal.”

Hey @Nightside your latin is very good!
Awesome!!! And the idea too!!!

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Google Translate deserves the credit, as well as the original GD author who blogged Change Your Motto Change Your Life.

But thank you on the idea.

Any resources online for Draconian dictionaries or word meaning lists out there?

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