The Devil's Stone

I find it a continual source of amusement how ordinary, everyday experiences are disguised stepping-stones for Ascent.

This might be a good place to post experiences with spontaneous instant physical manifestation and the Devil’s Stone.

Just to get the ball rolling, here are a couple of my recent experiences, which I initially happened upon spontaneously and then began to experiment with.

#1. Spontaneous Discovery:

SCENE: Right under my bedroom window – 3am.

EVENT: Nuisance barking from the dog next door, continually from 8pm to 3am, only stopping for a few minutes at a time to breathe. Dog’s owners do nothing.

ACTION: After hours of sleepless tossing and turning, I feel a lightning bolt of intense rage spontaneously burst out of me, directed at the barking dog. Imagine one of those corny old ninja movies, where the hero draws his long-sword, lops someone’s head off, and re-sheathes before you can even blink… that’s the kind of state of “no mind” combined with a volatile intensity that I felt as the scream spontaneously erupted from somewhere deep in my gut, before I even knew I’d said it:

“Fuck it! Belial, Shut that fucking dog up!”

Next to me, still asleep, He-Who-Snores-And-Steals-The-Blankets mumbled incoherently into his pillow. I suddenly felt incredibly exhausted and instantly fell asleep too.

ASIDE: Now, in the cold light of day, I’d have done things differently:

Belial probably would not have been my first choice of entity for this task,
I’d communicate my will in a more respectful way,
I’d have done an evocation ritual with candles, incense and a sigil, and
I would not be inclined to broadcast my intentions to the whole neighbourhood by screaming obscenities at the top of my lungs at 3am.

But, it was what it was, and here’s what happened next…

RESULT: The dog was literally “shut up” for 5 weeks. (Can concentrated energy have a wicked sense of humour? I certainly had a giggle! :wink:

The old dilapidated wooden fence separating the offending neighbour’s property from the property behind it fell down the following day. The pit-bull had to be kept shut inside the house 24/7 because it was a threat to the safety of the children on the adjoining land.

Due to one problem after another, the new fence was not completed until 5 weeks after the first new fence post was installed. And, in all that time, the dog was “shut up” in the house, and (aside from a couple of times a day when it was let out on a leash for calls of nature), I didn’t see or hear him at all. NOT ONE BARK! And I caught up on some very pleasant, undisturbed, much needed sleep.

Now, the fence has been completed, the dog is back out in his back yard, and to date, the peace and quiet has endured.

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#2. Putting it to the Test:

SCENE: Stopped at traffic lights in the middle of a busy 3-lane highway in peak hour, my car is rear-ended by a distracted driver. While we were pulled over, exchanging phone numbers and other info, a more serious accident almost happened around us, so we agreed do the rest over the phone later. (Yeah, dumb mistake!)

EVENT: During the subsequent phone conversation, the driver at fault refused to divulge her home address, which is 1). Required by law, and more importantly, 2). Require by my car insurance agency for the repairs to proceed at zero cost to me.

The car insurance agency advised that I’d have to contact the police and lodge an accident report, and some 4-6 weeks later they’d receive the report from the police with the required address, and get around to approving the car repairs. I phoned the police and they said the same thing. Fuck that! I could feel that lightning bolt starting inside me again, so this time I decided to experiment with it, right then and there.

ACTION: I informed Paimon and Belial of my will to get that driver’s address immediately, and sent that lightning bolt out into the world. No ritual, no sigil, no evocation – I just said the words out loud then and there, and shot all the emotion I had out with them. Then I immediately headed for the nearest police station.

RESULT: I handed the police officer a slip of paper with the name and phone number of the driver at fault. While I waited, he phoned her, wrote down her address on that same slip of paper and handed it to me. NO official accident report, NO 4-6 week wait – he didn’t even ask me for my name or my ID!!! I was literally in and out of there in under 5 minutes with the information I wanted. Incredible but TRUE! Don’t ya just love a happy ending!

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BTW, I did end up doing some formal evocation rituals after all this, offering thanks.

And thanks to EA for all the useable practical information in the Master Evocation: Omnipotence Course!

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Obviously, it’s early days, and I still have much to learn, but the above has sparked my interest in gaining further knowledge and success in mastering the Devil’s Stone methodology and spontaneously, instantly and CONSISTENTLY manifesting my will in the physical world, without ritual evocation of an entity. Ironically, I’ll be evoking towards this goal :wink:

I feel this is one area of the Mastering Evocation: Omnipotence Course that could be further built upon, and fine tuned. So, Ea, more about the Devil’s Stone and spontaneous instant physical manifestation please? Perhaps a podcast and/or a new extension course that further explores this topic?


First congratulations on your success.

Now everyone take this as my opinion but I feel like the entities you named probably didn’t have anything to do with your results.

As in all majick intent and releasing emotion towards your goal is the main benefactor in getting what you want.

I think you calling out the names of Belial and Paimon were just a way of your conscious mind expressing the power your sub-concious mind (along with everyone else’s) already contains.

The important part is that you realize this.I’m just pointing it out.

The power of all the demons angels and any other spirit is already within in.

I came to the same realization while communicating with one of Azazel’s chief nethers as he tolde the infernal empire already dwells within me.

Our empire is already built but it is up to us to manifest it on this plane.

Keep up the good work.


Did you already practice demonolatry and have a history of offerings to Belial before this?

If one subscribes to the view that we and everything else are interconnected, (a spiritual version of quantum entanglement?) then the lines can blur between internal/external, me/not me.

Exactly! Jutst as Azazel told EA, one creates his own reality in the deepest sense. Everything is potencially part of you, so if you have domain over yourself, you have domain over everything. The key point here is: unyill.which part of yourself you have domain over?
Also, a spirit is just a stream of energy, more or less condensed, which carries a information pattern, just like any of us. We can manipulate a spirit just by altering that pattern, usually by adding information in the energy we lend to their manifestation. It doesnt matter if its Asmodeus, Paimon, Astharoth, Satagraal, Jesus or the fuck, all we have to do is to handle them just like we handle any other human, exchanging our energy and imbuing them with the information pertinent to the context.

What I got out of this is: Belial is Pitbull supportive! It was surely the nicest way to get the dog to shut up. Now, we just need to assign Belial the task of Michael Vick…

Wait soooooo… Does anyone have the link or
the information on how to make the devil’s Stone?..

I’m willing to spend a ton of time to perfect it. Or
get it close.

Dani, the information regarding The Devil’s Stone can be found in the last chapter of EA’s Mastering Evocation video course.

The Devil’s Stone is a term used for the power or procedure to near instantly manifest an item or event into this physical realm by mind alone. At least this is what I understand it to mean. EA devotes an entire 30 minute final chapter to this concept in his course.

There have been quite a few written accounts of yogi’s being able to perform this. It has also been said that to master this it would entail you to spend several months at least away from humanity and the civilized world to gain this ability.

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[quote=“Virdon Djinn, post:7, topic:3326”]Dani, the information regarding The Devil’s Stone can be found in the last chapter of EA’s Mastering Evocation video course.

The Devil’s Stone is a term used for the power or procedure to near instantly manifest an item or event into this physical realm by mind alone. At least this is what I understand it to mean. EA devotes an entire 30 minute final chapter to this concept in his course.[/quote]

i don’t have the course lol…

No need to apologize, just letting you know where you may find the info, that is all. :slight_smile:

You need much more practice to utilize that which you seek…work on the basic principles and the rest follows suit in time…don’t overwhelm yourself with a bunch of ideas at once…this is not 123…manifest powers…Unless, you are an entity in the flesh, or have mastered the basics and advanced concepts which takes years…but it is possible…just set small goals so you don’t give up…

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[quote=“Sinata, post:10, topic:3326”]Dani,
You need much more practice to utilize that which you seek…work on the basic principles and the rest follows suit in time…don’t overwhelm yourself with a bunch of ideas at once…this is not 123…manifest powers…Unless, you are an entity in the flesh, or have mastered the basics and advanced concepts which takes years…but it is possible…just set small goals so you don’t give up…[/quote]

hopefully. and aren’t we all Spirits in the flesh though…?

I can’t answer that question because it would depend on what you believe in as far as reincarnation, hybrid soul origins, etc…the general answer is yes, but not everyone is on the same level…nor will they ever be…