The Demonic President Gaap

Hello all,
I Would like to make a sort of an introduction for this wonderful spirit and ancient deity as known as gaap and give you an idea of my works with him.

so The Basics goes as follows:

Common Goetic Sigil

Goap’s sigil found in The Book of Solomon’s Magick by Carroll Runyon

“Tap/Gaap is a high president and prince of hell, commanding 4 of the principal kings and 60 legions, and as powerful as Byleth. He also has an empire over thoseDemonsAmaymon commands. He appears in human form at noon, and is said to intensify the passions of love and hatred, and can transport men to different countries. Earlier necromancers invoked Tap by spells composed by King Solomon, but that is not true, as it was Noah’s son, Cham, who first began evoking evil spirits. The necromancers also offered him libations and holocausts. Tap was made to serve Byleth by composing a book of mathematics. If the exorcist knows of the art of Byleth, Gaap will not cooperate. Another book attributed to the prophets Eli and Elijah states that Gaap can be conjured by virtue of the saints’ names of God listed in the Key of Solomon.”

Key Points:
as powerful as beleth but does not want to be a king. Ham Summoned beleth to write a book about mathematics but beleth instead commanded Gaap to do the work for him.
he has control over water (emotions) and you will see after, his entire history is over commanding waters.
The necromancy spells: theres different opinions about this and some dispute that claim. but From reading Vk Jehannums blog, you can make the argument that it is indeed true.
Transport Man to other countries: this can be connected to the ancient Water/River god of the nile river who Rose The sun god Ra from the dephs of the river.
along with Beleth,Belial,Asmodeus these four are said to have have power over all the 72 goetia demons - according to solomon
it is said that Carroll Runyon sees Gaap and Coap as diffrent demons and spirits although historically both names are attributed to the same spirit. my speculation from reading his book is that he does make that dinstiction to signify the difference between the roles of the spirit so its more like:
Gaap - Goetic spirit.
Coap - The Elemental king who you do the traditional operations with

Demonic Origins
By similarity in name through variations, one can attribute him with the roman and Syrian sun god Elelogabalus since another name of this demon is elelogap who is under the demonic king ziminiar who rules over the element of water, this is an important piece of information to note since there is another deity in ancient Egyptian who is the god of the Nile River. The kemet god Hapy aslo known as Hap is said to rule over the nile River which symbolises the flow of celestial waters. This is somewhat contradicting since we first have a solar god and later a water god and demon. The connection is made to bear weight through the demonic name of elelogap which is a variention of gap that is himself derived from the kemet God Hap and between the Roman-syrian god Elelogabalus, so think the demon name (Elelogap- Gaap) as the top of the triangle that descends into other two points thus being hap and Elelogabalus.

The Knowledge of Gaap being a demonised form the Egyptian god Hap comes from Occultist Jake Stratton which the argument is found on his interpretation of the true Grimoire.

My Work With Him
Gaap tradionaly appears as a knight or a prince riding upon a monstrous demonic being, so he isn’t actually that demonic being that is portrayed in the demonic dictionaries but he is that tiny knight.

I personally saw gaap as more of a prince than a knight alone, another one of his manifestations is that of a dragon so dark that you would think that it was a silhouette but I saw characteristics such as shining spikes that would imply that it was no silhouette, the dragon appeared to have a long neck and had a king cobra position, the dragon had an open mouth that showed shiny white teeth and had shining yellow-white eyes.

Gaap introduced himself in this pathworking as a demon what strengthes the body of black light. In all of my evocations now I form a triangle with my hands and afterwards I see a shadow of black light left behind. The mastery of gaap is to control that spiritual body indepently of the physical body, I spoke with a friend about this and we said that this is basically like learning to walk again or learning how to ride the bicycle again and this could not be more right. Gaap teaches the magician How to control ones spiritual bodies without raising his arms and in general, Gaap is the master of doing miracles without raising your hand. Gaap teaches one how to expand his mind through all realms.
Gaap is also a necromantic Spirit that also works together with Beleth and Berith on that matter. There is magicians who claim that The relationship between Beleth and Gaap is that of hate but I find the claim to be otherwise.

Tap is a ruler of waters according to other traditional descriptions of the spirit which is very reminiscent with his probable past indtenty as the Kemet god Hap. The mental manifestation of that rulership is apparent as he has the mastery over human emotions, in so doing he can inspire love and lust to the said person.

Gaap can also help the magician to spiritualise himself and basically be a god 24/7, in fact one of the main purposes of this pathworking is do this. No magick circle or triangle needed. Gaap in my Abalehmn – sehun – Our’Uron attributions of the demonic houses of beleth, Gaap falls into the Abelehmn demonic house which is that of the demonic magicians. Gaap as Hap did help the dead souls of man be defied or atleast have some control in the afterlife, this is confirmed by the coffin texts.
As Elologap, you can make another argument that justifies and connects the solar and watery contradiction. Since Hap is the god of the nile river, he was thought to be an aspect or manifestation of nun which was the primeval waters. The Egyptian people believed that The Nile river encircled the earth in so doing the sun (Ra) rose out of those waters so you definitely make another argument to justify helogabalus as being gap. Geb, the god of earth is another contender for finding out the demonic origins ofn the demon gaap since the similarities of the name but in they have nothing in common in the aspect of their roles and powers.

Next Shall be My Invocation/Litany of Gaap.


The timing of this post… this being showed up and would not tell me who he was so I asked him to leave. But literally get on here and see this post which perfectly describes the things I sensed about him. He even told “you should ask me to teach you mathematics”.


I am commenting to follow this thread and saying this loons so interesting. Amazing introduction to Gaap and I am excited to see where you go with this!

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Woah that’s crazy!!

Amazing time indeed.

I am thinking by the end of the pathworking to make a spirit servitor/ entity to help me with university (engineering so I am going to indeed have very strong math skills) so yeah I am basically thinking of a “academic weapon” Servitors. I will be asking his influence.

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Thank you very much!

Indeed we shall see.

I’ve been really into making servitors lately! I’ll have ask him too, if he’d be willing to empower my academic servitors I’m going to make.

Thank you for posting this! It really helped me on my path!

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The synchronity is crazy :fist:
Glad it helped!

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What do u mean being god 24/7
Does that mean ur Astral senses will be Awakened all day long? U will have full of kundalini shakti?
So even one can imply he can reach mathematics?

A god at all times means total transfiguration and achieving level of spiritual growth like jesus buddha etc. when you enter the magic circle you are temporarily transfigured into god.

Being a god is not easy, it is certainly a heavy crown to bear and it surely requires a heavy head to have. In so doing this means the total expansion of one’s conciousness into levels that were before limits. Being a god is not only heavy to your head but heavy upon others who depend on you. We can enter this state only momentary without deep knowledge about this, this I think, is our worldy privelage that spirits do not have. Thats why the Egyptian Hap helped man when his body ceased to have more control in the afterlife.

This means deep control over one’s spiritual body, to have two bodies doing different things simultaneously. You raise your physical hand, yet the spiritual hand punches.

I only reached a limited level with this, to the point I see my body of black light forming a triangle of Manifestion in my physical vision upon intoning a name of a familiar who guards the triangle but aslo works as a name of the asana.


This is perfect for me because I am starting engineering in September, so a fond knowledge of them is Great. My current level is freestyling maths , deep contemplation of natural events and abstract ideas - expressed in diagrams, formulas etc.

You don’t need to be a god for this aslo, in fact you don’t need to do or be anything. Maths and physics then is a “commentary” of ones observation of the universe, now that I am thinking about it , maths does sound like meditation doesn’t it?

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In a simple words u can astral travel at will? And it can empower ur Chakras Beyond ur imagination Right? Seems like a Ardous but A fight which is worth Fighting for… Could take A significant Amount of time :wink:

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I suck at maths lmao I’m sort of desperate To learn maths as I have entrances in 6 months and I have no clue how to Proceed further I’m thinking of Evoking Goetics Intelligences like Asmodai,beleth or even gaap ,If u were in my shoes which being Would you Called for help it’s almost do or die :game_die: Situation for me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Reminds of an Indian sage Mahavtar babaji Idk if u are familiar with that guy he’s embodiment of spiritual perfection

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Basically yes since it is attainment of spiritual perfection and these abilities are what the Hindu call siddhis and yes they do take a significant amount of time. My meditation routine is like this: physical energy activation, yoga nidra, actual meditation, qi qong and now I am learning a energetic only yoga with gaap. Basically structuring asanas using only the body of black light while beings physically inert. It is a tough art Indeed.

I would personally make a academic weapon Servitor

Yep I know of him, interesting guy Indeed.

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Gaap, Coap/Goap, Hap

Another theory of Gaap’s origin is derived accordingly from the alternative spelling of Goap/Coap. It said that Coap means monkey in Hebrew.

If so true then it is another piece of evidence saying that the Egyptian god Hap is Gaap.

Hap’s form as a son of horus is that of a baboon and I think the term Coap for monkeys by the Hebrew served more as general term for both monkeys and baboons.


Another sigil for gaap/ elelogap.


Saw this in my feed, interesting.

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Here is something interesting, it may be particularly interesting to you @Amalek since you are from India :india:

One of the names of gaap is Tap. Sometimes the goddess is aslo called tap, and she is also a river goddess like Hap. Interesting :thinking:

And also the home of the sun! Just like the myths of Hap portray of Ra rising out from the Nile.

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Woahh this is interesting i mean yeah why not most of the goetics Are pagan gods Egyptians and veidc Cultures have powerful connection Since they used to Exchange labourers,But gaap being descendant of a sun god is Indeed Interesting
I even heard That archangel Samael is Son of shiva (kartikeya) since boht of em represents mars and Are gods of war.
There’s also a Connection b/w Zororasthians and Vedic Culture do look up We even Share Same words Like (Deva ) Deva is Sanskrit is God,demi gods in Zororasthians Culture it has been corrupted to Demons

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Another Gaap incarnation found. Derived from the kemetic hap. Evidence of the Minoan genii can be aslo found in Greece and Cyprus.

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