The Demon Prince Stolas! Looking for more in depth information

So recently I decided that I was going to work with the 9 demonic gatekeepers. I have been studying and learning about them but as I was training my astral senses and focusing on how to drop mind, my Clairaudience chimed in more clear than it’s ever been and the voice that I had heard whispering in my ear and moving around my living space spoke.
Immediately I did a google search thinking it was a key piece of information for my ascent. And then I found out it was a name for one of the princes of hell
I STRONGLY believe that this is Stolas trying to reach out to me.
I learned that he is a teacher and somewhat of a pacifist. He teaches astronomy, herbs and their locations and uses, and stones and minerals of all kinds (although I have seen mentions of the word precious stones instead), along with a plethora of valuable knowledge.
I’m trying to learn more about his vibe, what kind of energy he gives off
His voice sounded like distant wind chimes to me, but were somehow whispering directly in my ear at the same time.
I want to make sure this is stolas though, whenever I ask it answered with stolas, I have not done a proper invocation or even evocation. But when I asked it if it could sign it’s name either it could not or I could not see it. If I really focus I can see some sort of outline or imprint but I can’t make it out. But I do know it flipped the page. Or the wind did. I am only communicating through claircognizance and clairaudience. But I seem to have a tendency to become very casual like I was with my close teachers in school and I need to know how much of a stickler he is for formality so I can pay the proper respect as a peer.
Any information you can provide or advice you can give me is very much welcome :hugs:
My first priority is confirming that it is Stolas and not someone lying to me knowing that Stolas is an entity I would welcome.
Once again Thank you!

Also any forms he has appeared in or will appear in if there is anyone who who has evoked him personally.

So I have confirmed the spirits identity as Stolas. He has been providing me with nonstop hints that it’s him since late last night. Just one thing lining up after another.

@_Sovereign well go and contact him heres his sigil and enn

Hope that helps


Thank you so much for his enns, I had trouble finding it

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Stolas (also known as Stolos, Stoppas and Solas) is “a Great Prince of Hell, commands twenty-six legions of demons. He teaches astronomy and is knowledgeable about herbs, plants, and precious stones. He is often depicted as a raven or a crowned owl with long legs.

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Here’s a little bit of more help @_Sovereign

Just a suggestion bookmark the thread it has all 72 sigils,enns,and songs…hope that helps you on your journey.

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