The Decoding Your Dreams Thread

ussualy i dont remember dreams,but…this was unussualy lucid.
so,i saw a nice shape,medium size white snake.his head was almost like swan with a red crown.
also he,she? was looking me with a bit of lust,like i know what you do.
any idea what was that?

I had this dream when I was 12 or 13 years old. I was in a school garden(it was a random school garden) when suddenly the bright sky turned dark and the ground surrounding the school disappeared and also turned dark when I look at the sky the sun already has disappeared. I remembered that I was the only one panicking at that moment, everyone else was excited and calm. The ground shakes and a very huge tree pops from the ground in the middle. When I say huge, it is higher than the sky and its width is the same as a building. It suddenly emits a bright light that served as our light source. After that, we were given a chance to pick any amount of seeds in a pouch and we must grow them. I saw people picking random seeds out of it, some picked 4 and some picked less than that. When it came to my turn, I picked 2 seeds. I saw other people grow their own seeds and every one of them was unique. I remember how one tree looked like, it was an ordinary tree except that its leaves are flowers and it bears fruits. There were so much variation and unique trees. I tried to grow my seeds and at first, I thought that I failed since it didn’t grow at all. But a few moments later, it began to grow and the two seeds grew into two beautiful trees. How was it beautiful? Well the first tree is glowing but it’s emitting some black light and the other is emitting a bright light, the two trees began to ‘hug’ each other. I don’t know if it was the right term but it looked like that the two trees began to look like one. It began to shine like the big tree in the middle but it doesn’t only shine bright, it is also pitch black at the same time. Then an earthquake came and everything ended(I woke up because the earthquake seemed so real).

Also recently, just the past few years. I had a dream about my past life and I actually met someone from that past life.

I was a prisoner and a girl in that dream, during that time i think it happened during a war(I researched about my dream since it felt so depressing). I found out that it happened in World War 2 with the Japanese. Since i was a prisoner, me and the others were transferred into a facility where experimentations are held. Yes, i was one of the lab rat experiments during that time. There were lots of experiments that i experienced yet i cannot remember at all, it all was blurred. In my time in the facility, I met a kind soldier and we became close as time pass by. I gained his affection and so I am to him, he planned to help me escape from the facility. But before the plan could happen, he told me that he needs to go away for several days. He promised me that he will come back for me and I need to stay alive. But after he departed, I was one fo the few that will be executed in that day. It was the end of the dream, but the depressing part was that in my dream I was raped by some soldier and got pregnant. That all happened while I was in the facility.

Maybe that’s the reason why I love kids so much.

Im just looking for help decoding a specific symbol/action I performed in a dream. I don’t really remember the context.

I am a fan of extreme metal, so I love to hear people scream or growl, but it isn’t something I have ever really figured out how to do safely in real life. In my dream, I remember I was doing these inhale growls that sounded amazing (I don’t usually listen to inhales). I was doing so by making one continuous uninterrupted breath, where I was drawing air through my mouth whilst simultaneously exhaling through my nose.

I think the important thing here, is that the breath was never interrupted. It was like a perfect circle/cycle.

I can go down a rabbit hole with my past dreams or my usual variation of 3, but last night i had a different experience. My dream was one of the usual variation of 3 that i always have, but then I looked to my left and their was a beautiful woman with pink hair sitting on a table across from me. She smiled, jumped down, and came over to me intimately close with her face in front of mine. As I watched she changed slightly to having brown hair and then a little older with black hair. I could physically feel her closeness. Another weird thing is I remember being drawn to her eyes, but I can’t quite remember their color. The dream started crossing more to the vivid realm as I was aware of myself and my faculties. I asked her if she was Lilith, as I have been working towards meeting with her. She smiled even more, put her hand on my check (which I also physically felt), and replied, “No, I am with you always in the real world…” Then I woke up immediately. This could of been another random dream, but I couldn’t and still can’t shake the feeling there was something more to this.

Ok so I started Evoking recently (about 6 weeks) after a long gap of 16 years. My senses were shot, but I’m meditating and they’re picking back up. I’ve been having trouble communicating with spirits and have been trying to figure out how to.

I was lucky enough to get a reading from @Duchess (apologies for tagging you) which was really profound and told me exactly what I was looking for. One of them was telling me I’m clairaudient and I’ve been trying to work on it.

While doing a guided meditation on YT for Clairaudience. I was in a very very deep state at one point kinda falling asleep. I saw a few things I need help decoding. I saw:

  1. Me looking at myself sitting on the floor with 2-3 other people with a silver carved flat stool in the middle and they were handing me carved ancient silver daggers/small swords.

  2. A broken egg shell (only top was missing, rest intact, there was no yolk or albumen.

  3. A white feather.

  4. A small white fluffy dog (it was a pomeranian)

I’m currently working with:

  1. King Paimon
  2. Grand Duke Dantalion
  3. President Malphas

What could this mean? I’m totally lost.

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Had another weird one. I was trying to impress a girl whom was nicknamed LinLin, but she walked away from me. After I gave a basket to some people in need that was filled with mozzarella and bamboo reeds, LinLin saw this and thought differently of me. As I was walking away I saw 3 grizzly bears next door to me, 2 on the ground searching for me and one giant one on the roof of the house watching me. I ran across the street and watched from behind a wall. The giant one remained on the roof, but the other 2 searched the area for me and then transformed into a man and a woman with a red diamond on their foreheads with a trailing blue line going down from it to their brows. When I saw them they saw me at the same time, then I woke up.

sounds a little like circular breathing technique that brass musicians do

Not 100% sure if it was Lilith, but writing this down.

Laid down and was somewhere between sleep and being awake, when the cave sensation began. (Body begins to vibrate, sound closing in like being deep underground). I recognized from before and decided not to pinpoint focus on it, but let it wash over me. This worked and i went quickly deeper to the point all sound stopped except a ringing in my ear (like my tinitus). I then felt a warm pressure across my body and chest that increased to the point it felt difficult to breath. I didn’t let fear get me this time, and realized even though it felt like I couldn’t breath, I was breathing normally. I asked if it was Lilith, then things got weirdish. I could hear what I thought was my mom having a conversation with my dad downstairs out of earshot. (my dad has been dead almost a decade). I sensed something sitting next to me speaking in demonic tongue? I started spouting a million things, “How are you, Thank you for being with me, Should I roll over and try to get up (felt like I rolled from my side to back), What should I be doing to help make this easier…” I felt/thought (be quiet and listen). I then heard the presence reciting what sounded to be her enn, but different. (can’t recall it all now ~grumbles at stupid memory~ but picked out Renich Viasa Ama Lilith…) I asked if I was meant to evoke Lilith again and after started repeating her enn but I was saying it incomplete “Renich Viasa Avage Lilith” After a few repetitions it all stopped and I woke up on my side. I thanked Lilith after, then tried to return.(i can jump back into dreams usually) but even though I could feel the sensation, it wouldn’t allow me back in.

Forgot to add this. Happened before last dream. Not as spectacular, and I think I understand it somewhat, I still decided to share as it is loosely working related.

I am with a woman (never see her, but know it’s a woman) and a few other people I never see or hear. (the dream is in 3rd person) We are trying to hide and escape from someone. (never find out who) We evade them and reach a plane in the middle of a field. The woman turn to me and says, “We can’t we are surrounded by the 4 negro…” (fuuuu… please let this be Spanish II filtering in and not racist dreams lol) I look at her with a what the fuck look and then I look around us. We are surrounded by 4 different black mountain chains. The first has lightning storms, the second are volcanic, the third are snow capped, and the fourth are covered in forests. end dream…

I figure this might be a data dump dream, but its also incorporating elements of the LBRP, since i’ve been practicing it a lot lately. Only weird seeing it as a trap and not protection.

This is the weirdest dream I have ever had from last night. It was about when I was talking to some of the spirits of the Goetia and I can’t really remember what I said apart from how to escape from this brass vessel I happened to have been trapped in with them. I saw myself getting sucked into the vessel with the other spirits and it was really dark, Like I was actually inside and the lid of the vessel was on tight.

The last part was when I managed to do fuck knows what and I was released with the rest of the spirits and I heard in my dream someone shouting ‘oh you stupid bitch!’

Then it ended and I was like wtf did I just dream of :joy: it was actually a fun dream especially where I saw myself shoot out of that vessel but hopefully I soon forget this dream. It was not caused by me drinking cider or any other alcoholic drink and I have not watched anything on TV or YouTube about a brass vessel lol

Had another odd one. The first half is kinda muddied, but the second part came in very clear.

Was doing something with some people and met their daughters whom left in a car. Then I was outside on the sidewalk in a sleeping bag looking up at the night sky watching fireworks. Then I was allowing someone to stay with me at my apartment, except I didn’t own this apartment and somehow no one seemed to notice I was staying there. It was a few stories up in the air and my bedroom was set up against an open wall to the city sprawling below. There were a few connecting apartments to this one, but the were disheveled and vacant. Decided to get a shower(second dream I needed a shower, are they saying I stink lol) The shower was elaborate with benches and multifaceted shower heads that came from random points in the wall. The lighting was dark red and it felt good.

All of a sudden, I had a book that someone was after. I needed to give it to them. I was in a darkened gym, but it look rundown. I felt someone in the darkness coming for me and the book. Went to the front door to give it to a friend, but the door was open. In the door stood a person but they were not who I thought. I felt fear but was also not afraid.

Woke up to my body whole vibrating internally like I’ve felt when I met with Lilith? before.

I keep having dreams that involve gators/crocs (unsure which, big chompy reptiles are all I can remember). They also appear with snakes of varying species, I don’t know if they’re venomous or not.

The most recent one was last night. I was trying to sell my car to some lady, and snakes kept just… appearing in the car. My response to this was, “Uh yeah, that just happens with cars sometimes. Snakes just… appear. Yeah it’s totally in the owner’s manual, grab’em as close to the head as possible, and throw them really hard. You get used to it.”
Some lady: “what about that?” (points to a small gator/croc)

And then a much bigger one appeared and I tried to catch it but it dropped its tail like a gecko or other lizard so I had this big-ass gator tail just… twitching.

Weird shit, man.

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Had an interesting dream last night that maybe connected to another dream I have faint memory of…

First dream happened sometime November 2021 maybe… (I didn’t take notes on my dreams last year. I’m attempting to correct that this year.)

What I remember from the previous dream was… I think I was complaining to Asmodeus… I didn’t understand why he would be around me. I never expected him to turn out to be… well him.
In response to my whining, he made us really small, I felt very tiny, like the size of a blade of grass.
He said sternly, “There does that make you happy? Do you like being small?”
I recall that being that small was very uncomfortable. I don’t remember what happened after that.

This was last night’s dream.

I was with a very large snake, like a python.
It was dark and I couldn’t see anything but I could feel this huge snake brushing by.
I wasn’t frightened, I petted it and let it brush by me again and again. I knelt down and felt its tongue flicker at my lips.

I felt several smaller snakes and they draw me to a precipice. They pushed me into it and I resisted for a while, kind of hovering above.
Then I heard someone whisper behind me, asked me if I was unwilling to go down there. It urged me to just go ahead and jump in, which I did.
I fell but landed gently.

There were several smaller snakes down there. One wrapped around my shoulders, sneaked across my neck, down my arm and bit my breast. I lifted its head to my lips and tasted my blood on it.

Then I heard the voice and felt the presence of Asmodeus. He felt very large behind me. I felt very small in comparison to him.
He stayed behind me, speaking to me and if I tried to turn around he’d remain behind me. He was touching and groping me as he talked. I don’t remember what he said.

He left my side and I looked for him. I found him sitting on his throne. I got the air of boredom or maybe impatience around him.
I think I thanked him for being continuously patient with me.

He asked me what I wanted.
I said I wanted to stay with him, be at his side.
He asked me to come sit on his lap. He still felt very large compared to me but I sat on his lap, straddling one of his legs.

He asked me if I was having trouble sitting on his lap for any reason.
I got flustered because I was invaded with thoughts/memories of having sex with him.
I saw his penis monstrously large, he told me to mount him.

I felt like l physically couldn’t, he was way too big. He told me to imagine myself bigger so it’d be easier for me to take him.
I tried … I felt the fullness of him pushing in… then I don’t remember much else.

In analysis… I don’t usually dream of snakes but that large python has appeared once before in meditation with Asmodeus.
Obviously snakes are classically phallic. But I don’t fully comprehend the meaning behind them in this dream.

I usually am not that small in comparison to Asmodeus in dreams or meditations. So I think it’s connected to that one other dream in which he made us very small.

Seems like a message to stop making myself small. Stop holding myself back with self limiting beliefs.
It also could mean to grow myself magically, grow my ability to contain more energy, grow better ability to channel/handle his energy?

I don’t have weird dreams like this and I don’t have premonitionary type dreams either (generally speaking) so I’m at a loss what it could mean dreaming that…

I was on the forum and there was a flurry of activity all threads talking about a media shitstorm where the media was saying ____ ____ the poison guy dies and the whole firum being kinda lit up talking bout it thst he had a thread here talking about poisoning himself and did. I’m not gonna name the name in the dream though that’s why I put ____ ____ instead.

Here’s hoping it was just a weird dream :crossed_fingers:

I’m not gonna name the name that was in the dream and if it was premonitionary and not just a weird ass dream I’m only gonna discuss it with global mods not every Jane/Joe on here then only IF it came true so as to get rid of my dream prem referencing it (if I can’t find it to hit the delete/remove post in such an event). And no it wasn’t a Jane or joe name.

As I say it was weird as anything. Dreaming that I was reading the forum and all the threads were abuzz about a poison guy dying new story.

What could it mean?

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I was so exhausted all of a sudden and fell asleep pretty early. I woke up to another episode of sleep paralysis. I’ve had intermittent sleep paralysis since I was very young, like 4-5 years old in this same house (visiting my mom in our childhood home).
I couldn’t move but I saw this hand creeping up to me and perched on my knee. I reached out and held the hand but everything else I couldn’t move, couldn’t speak or anything. Just my hand. Something about it felt familiar, like it wasn’t the first time we’d met, but at the same time kinda creepy.
This other hand was pale with long pointed fingers that dug into my palm when I held it. It was cold and clammy and as its grip tightened, the sharp nails digging into my palm, I started to feel alarmed. I tried to scream and could only croak very quietly. Eventually, a scream escaped through my throat, but I still couldn’t move. I tried to scream again, but nothing came out. All I could do was hold the hand in silence. I heard my mom’s footsteps, and continued staring at the hand, tightly holding mine, the nails digging in deeper. By the time she got to my room, the hand disappeared and I slowly regained the ability to move.

Was on a tour bus with a group of other college students. We were on a trip to somewhere. On the way we got word that someone we all liked died. The bus stops at a restaurant by a lake. There is a green fish the size of a woman standing next to it, from the lake, dead on the side of the road. I take her picture with it. Inside the restaurant, everyone is celebrating the deceased’s memory. A girl is doing a money raffles and runs up to me and asks me to chose one of her hands behind her back,1, 2, or 3? I pick 2. She smiles and gives me a group of bills, a one, a twenty, a five hundred, and a sixteen hundred?! As I stare in amazement at the money, another woman walks up to me with a backpack of the deceased’s belongings and hands it to me to do what I think is right with them. I want to open it and go through their stuff, but as I start to open it, I change my mind and decide it should be given to the one that cared the most about them. I find a lot of the revelry has moved to picnic tables outside by the lake, with groups drinking and laughing at old memories. I spot the man that knew the deceased best and call his attention and give him the bag. I feel emotion overcoming me. He looks at me and smiles slightly and says, “yeah, me too…” He then looks back towards the other tables and says, “Maybe a light” while looking at people lighting up smokes… ~The End

I just woke up from a dream that I know has more content, but I vividly remember the end.

My wife and I were standing in the driveway and big crow flew straight toward me. It then unfurled its wings to stop/change direction to fly upward. As it went upward it dropped two small scrolls, and I said “I know this. Thanks.” and easily caught them. The crow perched on the lowest corner of the roof, still close to us, and pulled out a larger scroll and unrolled it like it was going to make an announcement. I woke up then.

I do remember seeing that the crow was decked out with a harness and bag/case for the scrolls.

I’m a little bummed that I missed the announcement, but hoping that some part of me has those little scrolls and I can access them. However, I did wake up feeling great, and that’s after only about 5 hours of sleep.

I keep having dreams about taking care of, and feeding nearby crows. I show to my family and friends that I feed crows and take care of them and they’re not a pest. There is always one crow that stands out to me that is a pied crow, and it is male.
Sometimes I talk to them, and sometimes I become a crow and talk to them and try to fly away with them. I observe other people when I’m a crow, and sometimes I feel lonely or heartbroken.
There is a very strong spiritual longing with crows.

I am not sure what this means. The crow dreams began last year around April, 2022, but recently feeding them and taking care of them have been going on since March 2023.