The Deathly Hallows explained

The Symbol of the Deathly Hallows and a Ouija board planchette are both forms of an Evocation Triangle used in real Sorcery:

The Triangle, the symbol of the Cloak of Invisibility references the unseen world.

The Circle, the symbol of the Resurrection Stone references the ability to evoke spirits from the unseen.

The Vertical Line, the symbol of the Wand references the Will of the Sorcerer.

From Michael W. Ford’s definition of Sorcery:
The art of encircling energy and power of self, by means of self-fascination (inspiration thru the imagination). Sorcery is a willed controlling of energies of a Magickal Current, which is responsive thru the Will and Belief of the Sorcerer. While sorcery is the encircling or ensorcerling of power around the self, Magick is the Willed change of ones subjective (personal or inner) and objective (outer) life.

My Definition of Sorcery:
The manipulation of astral energies, whether they be of one’s own (internal pranas, soul) or another’s (spirit’s or other people’s soul).

Two types, internal and external.
Manipulation of astral energy of internal spirits(winds, lüng, prana, chi) is Tantra/Yoga/Meditation, this includes dreams, lucid dreams, Astral Projection and Siddhis/Powers.

Manipulation of astral energy of external spirits is Summoning/Conjuring/Evocation/Invocation.

An example of Internal Sorcery for Muggles would be when experiencing sex, the astral energies begin to accumulate in the sexual regions and if continued concentration is made will explode in pleasure in that area. (Western Tantra)

However, this sexual energy can be redirected upwards and out any Chakra for various powers/siddhis.
(Eastern Tantra)

It requires effort and focus to make this happen, the same as is it with any other type of Sorcery.

Books on External Sorcery:

Books on Internal Sorcery:

Magick in General:


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