The Dark Hindu goddess?!?

I just found out by my wonderful higher self after a ritual for wonderful lady Keli to remove any curse and for her protection and then I heard my higher self and he told me it’s part of my journey to go on the dark Hindu path on journey some point but I been getting visions of them coming to me and gifting me things to help me on my journey I’m super greatful and it got interested into the dark Hindu goddess ik they support enlightenment and awakening watch I love and the feeling of free will like you can work with demons and Angels and other goddess by side with the dark Hindu goddess and hey it’s another way to make more beautiful and wonderful and forever lasting relationship like I have with some goddess and demons and Angels and plus the dark Hindu goddess help me with some very intense spiritual to the core enlightenment that was intense true me!

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I found out I resonates with lady Keli on a very deep level she’s so familiar her chaos calms my mind