The dangers of a succubus?

what would you say are the dangers of having a succubus? how can such things be prevented?

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Depends on the kind. They possess the area and can cause power surges and electrical mishaps. May also cause migraines. My CNS was not strong enough to handle it and it felt like my head exploded. Just thinking about it made my head throb.

i heard some can be stubborn and will refuse to leave

I’ve had a couple of on again off again interactions with one. She comes and goes as she pleases but when she’s around, the air feels more fluid. I’ve seen her face in smoke and spoke to her in a dream for a couple of seconds. I’ve also only felt her (tangible sensation) when I was in an altered state.But to be honest, haven’t really been working at it, are you interested in calling one?

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ive been thinking about it but im not sure if its worth it

From personal experience succubi are amazing spirits to have they can stimulate one sexual energy to the point of ecstasy and or feed off it but if you offer your sexual energy to the succubus willingly during intercouse they will give you a energy transfusion were they will replenish you with there energy as a form of bonding but sex is only a small part of there amazing abilities some can enhance psychic abilitys or can keep your healthy as well if you wanna know more on how to summon a succubus visit were there is more detailed information and they are amazing lovers as well and can help in sex magic as well.


As I see it, and experienced, to understand the potential and the “danger” of one spirit, you have to experience it’s full manifestations. Unmasked. And maybe ask yourself: What are a succubus capable of? Just sex? It’s just a fraction of the whole. Peel that layer, and maybe ask how they know so much about sex in the first place. Our desires. Our emotions.

Imagine a pamphlet, describing all the cause and effects of every emotions out there, but instead of it being made of paper, it’s made of stretchable rubber and in-between the description of the emotions, a succubus is pulling the strings to either make good or bad. Lust is in the description of an emotion, so sex is one way for her to manifest it for you. Fear is another emotion to tap into, and it can be combined with lust, or other emotions to strengthen the basis of fear. And, of course there is love, the strongest one in the emotional current.

Can these entities be hard to banish? I think it depends if she’s bonded with you, but the deeper the bond the harder it is. There’s a lot of stories and reports of failed exorcisms of succubus and incubus entities, and the reason for that is because religion doesn’t affect them. That’s because religion didn’t create them. If succubus/incubus is using a human as a vessel, the spirit is literally intertwined with the human spirit. It’s like putting two different fruits in a blender. It’s not easy separating these fruits, once it’s mixed, right?

As long as the relationship with these kind of entities is consensual, it could be the best experience ever, and you ascend further than most other magical paths out there. A non-consensual experience, on the other hand, could be horrible, because they can tap into the emotional current in a way few other spirits can do.

Edit to add:

“But what about the non-emotional state of indifference?”

This is where it can get very interesting, because the “non-emotional” mindset of indifference, like “I don’t care what happens and don’t give a shit”, is basically asking for a challenge. A succubus, generally speaking, loves challenges and rarely backs off from it. The indifferent mindset is like a book with blank pages, and to fill these pages, she needs to tear things apart to start the new chapter together with her.

I’ve had that mindset at the start of my path, and it got very dark.

The Qlippothic path within the non-Qlippothic ritual to summon a succubus/incubus seems very rare and unlikely to happen. But always be aware of the possibilities of it to appear.


Which is exactly what makes them dangerous in the first place- their mastery of emotions.

Some won’t manipulate you. Some will. Some aren’t demons. Some are. Some will use what they can read off you like we read gauges on a car, against you. Some will use it for you.

There are many variables.

Can these entities be hard to banish? I think it depends if she's bonded with you, but the deeper the bond the harder it is. There's a lot of stories and reports of failed exorcisms of succubus and incubus entities, and the reason for that is because religion doesn't affect them.

In addition to pointing out that religious patterns generally don’t work for those outside of them- hence baptisms, initiations, etc.- and that a religion would specifically need to be patterned to be used against non-components…

…I would add that especially in the cases of fusions, it is difficult to banish. This is why it is not suggested one merges with an entity they are not intimately familiar with.

You don’t want to have to call a specialist to dig the drill out of your ass.

"But what about the non-emotional state of indifference?"

Indifference to outcomes is arguably a key magical skill. The same runs with spirit relationships: exist in the moment with the being, partake in the actions agreed on, and disperse. Do not dream of futures, for your companion may draw the future you in on the sessions and then it gets really… weird.

Take it as a “present disconnect”.

Invest in moments, not futures.

Concern yourself with now, not later.

You’ll be safer that way.


well said Velotak

Don’t go & ask for, generically, “a succubus” - it’s like asking for “some chick” or, if it makes more sense, “some stud” if you had a daughter, and were trying to help her out.

Like standing in a random roadhouse biker bar, and yelling “who’ll fuck me then?” (or, “here’s my daughter/young son - who wants to grind with 'em?”)

You wouldn’t just do that - right?

You’d approach a spirit you trust or have reason to respect, and ask them, or maybe (because, we’re not victims) ask for a spirit to complete you, equate to you, teach you, and bring you Good Things? :slight_smile:

A succubus/incubus can either be your greatest ally when it comes companionship and relationship within your ascension, or one of your greatest foes because of the damage they can inflict upon you.

Do any of you have an idea of how they work when wrecking havoc? It’s not a pleasant experience, and it’s similar to the darkest challenges of the Qlippothic path, but without the good intentions of ascent through it.

Let’s say a succubus have choosed her target. She studies the target thoroughly over a period of time. It may be for a few weeks, months or even years. She touches the target, and the target acknowledge these touches and that acknowledgement is the sign for her to step up the ante. This is where things really gets interesting, so she start to open up the head chakra of her victim, because the more the target feels the more of it’s emotions she can harvest.

This is where the nightmares begins, and the victim of the attacks gets into the state of sleep paralysis, and while being unable to move, the target might get a sense of sinking deep into the bed, or feel a physical presence under the sheets. A cold body crawling on top, and just as dense as a cold corpse, she’s breathing cold air on the chest of the victim.

I have experienced this, but just for acquaintance and to learn.

And these kind of nightmares is within the power of the emotional current, but it doesn’t happen on a whim. It takes some time to plant the seed, and they often do similar things when they help us ascend or to develop a beneficial relationship with them. The difference is their intentions.

An invited or a summoned succubus under the influence of Lilith or one of her Sisters, should not act hostile towards us. But these kind of entities should never be underestimated in any way. Bless or a curse. The former is the best gift there is, the latter, not so much.

Also well put

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So, how do we prevent a possible succubus attack?

Fear is often the catalyst to make things worse, and if some of you think of succubus/incubus as entities that feeds off sex, you might reconsider that thought.

The concept of “feeding” is, as I see it, sometimes exaggerated. There’s no use in “feeding” a specific target if it drains out completely, and the dark current can’t maintain a manifestation long enough to gain an advantage to stay in that form consistently. What’s the point of feeding from fear, when the receptive current is shut off? The result is that the dark current must change direction to maintain a manifestation, so it must find something else in the emotional current to latch on to. If fear didn’t work, maybe LUST will be the triggerpoint? You can, easily, maintain the lust current better than fear, because lust is much harder to resist in comparison to fear.

And maybe we need to reconsider that spirits can get trapped in addictive behaviors, especially when their manifestations is on the highest and lowest frequencies. Availability, rather than the specific target itself, could be a motif to continue. And if the target doesn’t respond “accordingly”, the highest frequency can’t maintain it’s current state long enough, because it drains itself out. Like a nuclear factory, the highest frequencies needs maintenance, and when there’s nothing to maintain, the factory have to be shut down.

And this is where the emotion of LOVE can be a trigger, and these kind of entities can get fascinated by us and our reactions towards them, and unsuccessful attempts of inflicting fear, lust, or anything else that can be edible through a darker current, seems like a challenge for some succubus/incubus entities, and along the way, they can end up falling in love with us because of it.


Sorry to resurrect an old post, and I admirer your works

What of a willing participant? So one that would gladly give of their energy to a Succubus, also if the Succubus was bonded to a vessel, and leaving seamen on said vessel as an offering, even if that vessel is your body?

Would these be turn offs for them?


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Well I know people here have left those types of offerings and they’ve been just fine, it’s the intent that counts. If you have good intent then I don’t see why not?

Maybe ask the succubus

Might also depend on the succubus, and they’re preference for offerings. I’ve heard they love affection, your time and companionship. I don’t do offerings with my spirit lover. I see us as a couple and I’m not “working” with her although I know she still tries to guide me.

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In my opinion, you do offerings to your spirit lover. Every time you interact with her is an offering of your time. Every thought of her. Every passive reception of you feeling her touches. Every acknowledgement of her existence in your world is an offering to her.

Why is it an offering? Because of your choices to do other things, yet you chose her. And everything of value is, indeed, an offering.


Well said, I hadn’t thought of it in that way. In that case I suppose I do offerings for her then as well.

I always see her as family, and so that was my reasoning for saying I don’t do offerings because I choose to be with my family/lady because I love them/her. However you have a point.

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I’m actually interested in calling for a succubus. I actually want her to fall for me and I know it’s possible. The only question I have, is, are they evil or not? And what I think is, they might be evil to you if you don’t respect her correctly right?

No such thing as evil, succubus are grey just like everyone else they have their likes and dislikes and you piss one off they’ll kick your ass, you treat one with respect and you get the same in return.

Well at the time I didn’t have one :wink: Besides, those who were put in those kinds of situations are great books themselves.