The Daemon Tarot

I have this deck! I use it quite often; the most out of all my tarot and oracle decks.
I get wonderful readings from it, and also use the cards/portraits to help with invocations and evocations of the specific spirits; it’s useful all around and I love it honestly.

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Sighs, I really want to have this deck. Been eyeing it and the Fallen Angels deck for a long time now. Still waiting for the perfect time to (sneakily) purchase that deck because hello, religious family.

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Glad I was able to easily find this post.


It’s a useful tool especially if you use Goetic spirits. Some of the meanings are arbitrary. Specific questions seem to be better. Also good way to exercise a more medium-esque way rather than tarot with its in-depth idiosyncrasies


Any idea why it only has 68 out of 72 of the demons?


Because the most well known edition of the Infernal Dictionary only contains 68 illustrations.


Me either. I was immediately disappointed