The Court of King Bael

I’ve been writing hymns for awhile now and did a recording last year. Have a listen and see what you guys think!! I really want to make music with them and to someday publish my writings into books!

[Court of King Bael](

I very much love this, my friend. Absolutely beautiful and powerful. Brings me right into his court. I feel like the words are being heard by me yet being said from a temple space within me.

Shared the link to my personal Facebook.

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Awesome thank you so much! I’m currently recording one for King Paimon, and I’m thinking of re-uploading King Baels one with a different picture. (Having hardware and Internet issues) Thanks for listening and sharing! :slight_smile:

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Of course :slight_smile: I’m a musician myself and have been working (slowly, but picking up momentum) on a musical project that involves the spirits i work with, as well.

Can’t wait to hear more from you.

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My King Paimon hymn is now up! Check it out!

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