The Cool Memes Thread (No Videos Please)

Yes, she did, she had made at least 4 posts with large amounts of text (3 entire methods, 1 entire prayer) lifted from other websites, posted without attribution, and in one case (here) even had quote tags showing herself as the author.

I screencap below the reasons I banned her from my outgoing PM to her (my outgoing mod PMs are, within reason and where they don’t breach someone else’s confidentiality, a matter of public record) notifying her of this:

This is the post with the largest amount of text where she a quote tag attributing the text to herself:

The text looks like this:


You can see the quote tag here:

That exercise is from

I enquired whether she was the author before banning and she stated she had found the text on anotber forum, so she did openly admit to passing off other people’s work as her own.

There were other issues as well but as explained in the sceencap above, plagiarism is a serious issue in itself.

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Source: Terms of Service - Become A Living God


Gotta admit she did post some great memes here and in TMW… then again, that, in itself, doesn’t require originality. :smiling_imp:

Anyway now you know, I was debating making a rumour control post, it’s always hard to walk the line between transparency owed to other members, and heads-on-pikes kind of stuff, and I always HATE banning anyone who’s made substantial contributions, the topic title of my PM above was me double-checking she wasn’t in fact the author, or had some other very rational explanation for it all.


PS: since it’s been mentioned on here, if you have text stored somewhere, like say an entire exercise or prayer etc., and even a thorough search online is not showing you where it came from, and yet you want to share, either PM the person with a statement in the PM you can’t find the author and it’s not yours, or, better yet, contact me, I might have some idea where things can be found so you can link it (or post a small amount) without problems.

I don’t want anyone seeing this to become paranoid you may at one time have pasted in a quoted thing without link, attribution, etc (though if you have, and recall where, PM me and I can edit a link in). :+1:

And as you can see above, I didn’t leap immediately to ban her, I did first enquire with her about her links to those sites, in order to completely rule out an innocent explanation, so I don’t want anyone to feel nervous or upset over this.


As Eva said, it’s a ban. There were other issues besides this but plagiarism by itself was sufficient to warrant a ban. Nagash had a long history of passing off fantasy as fact. She had the bad luck to blunder into territory where her claims could be fact checked. Aside from the stuff already mentioned, it came to my attention that there were several versions of her drowning story posted on various blogs connected to her.

Also, she was seen wearing the very rings that Sitri allegedly gave her in a two year old facebook photo. And her alleged connection to the Navajo was provably false. Long story short, her fuckery finally caught up with her. If she is lucky, maybe Lucifer will give her back her old job in the infernal empire.


Prostate milking him? :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:


The whole empire maybe


If everyone had your integrity (and sharp eye for copycat behavior), I wouldn’t have to hex my creepy, cyberstalking, abusive-via-proxy plagiarist. (She should have been fired several times over by now, but nothing seems to stick.) :black_heart:


I wish the real world called bullshit on people as well as BALG does. I’d be all set. :black_heart:


Anyone who could not see Nagash was a total larper is a blind fool.But people I guess loved reading sex stories so much she gained a following :joy:


Sounds like my stalker tbh :joy:





You aussie bro?

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Yeah. Townsville. You?

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Nice familiar you have.


Perth :wink:

Well m not an aussie but just living here.




Thank you.


Credit to FlorkOfCows