Lucifer doesn’t wanna talk help

There are several reasons why this happens (for example: He just observe you at the moment, He sent you signs already but you didn’t noticed them etc.), but based on your case, it is possible that the problem is in your senses.

You have to start working on your development. You asked:

How do I open them?

First of all; meditate daily, because this is a must-do thing if you want to reach anything with magick, so even communicating with Deities / Demons or other Spirits. They can communicate with you in several way, forms but usually They’re doing it via telepathy (where you don’t need any tools, just you and the Entity are needed).

I made a post 2 days ago what can help you:

You have to know that:

  • You can’t have expectations
  • You must be patient and persistent.
  • You must take meditation seriously.

Moderator notice 13th February 2020: this member copies below an entire exercise taken from and posted it without attribution or a link, whilst using quote tags that make this appear to be her own work. The member was banned for this once the misuse was verified, forum policy aggressively pursues abuse of copyrighted material.

Beginner Meditation

Better to start with the first steps. If you start doing 100 things in the same time you’ll find yourslelf exhausted, confused and so on- and because you are new, I didn’t think you should put your focus too much things.
