The Cool Gaming Thread

OH COOL! I didn’t know we had a video game thread!
Which I’m assuming where supposed to post games we liked it doesn’t have to be occult related right??

WELL I played some great games! I guess since Halloween is getting closer ill post some horror games i played that where pretty good

1st on the list is:

‘Alien isolation’

Now I had to mention this game! I am a HUGE Alien fan! I love ALL the movies (…well 1, 2, 3, 4 not Prometheus or Alien: Covenant I hated those 2 especially the last, thats a rant for another time.)
But Alien Isolation is what I wanted for so long in a Alien game…well almost the atmosphere is really great and even has a easter egg related to the 1st 79 movie which I won’t spoil but u can tell they try to stay true to the original film retro futuristic-ness…if thats a word but I say ALMOST its everything I wanted because I honestly wanted another Aliens colonial marines game done right REALLY hated the original Aliens CM because they focused more on the humans THAN the

Aliens which really annoyed me infact there is 1 level in the game I really enjoyed they took away all your weapons and you have to sneak past these blind Aliens that sense you by movement really thats what the game needed there are other problems why I didn’t like MC but I won’t get into it because this would be just too long but anywho overall if you love survival horror definitely pick this game up I would rate this a
There is a part 2 called Alien: Blackout but DONT recommend anybody to play that game its a mobile game and it sucks im not sure why they where trying to follow the trend of Blizzard it was just a bad idea to continue the story of Amanda Ripley there.
Oh! They did made a new Aliens game though called Aliens: Fireteam Elite which is basically a multi-player game but yiu can also play offline which I did buy that game too i heard it was pretty good. Aliens vs. Predator (2010) I thought it was a pretty fun game also! The audio longs you collect are awesome too the voice acting is really good I which theres actually 3 campaigns you can play The Marines, The Predator, and the Aliens unfortunately the Ailen sorry mode is the weakest out of the other 2 really I wished we just played as the Marines and just let people play as the Predator and Alien in multi-player but I really enjoyed the Marine story though to me it was the best out of the Predator and Aliens evened the though the Predator story wasn’t bad I just really didn’t care for it tha much overall it was just a decent game to me

2nd I horror I recommend is:
‘The Evil Within 2’
the 1st game sucked. To be honest I couldn’t even beat it all the way through i stopped a few hours in the beginning the 2nd game however is FAR more better!!! High highly recommend this game just incase if you where wondering no you don’t have to play the 1st game to understand what’s going on the 2nd game does a great job explaining the story but definitely look into this game soiled
There’s also plenty mind fuck moments this game creept me out.

‘Resident Evil 7:Biohazard’
I don’t like the RE games to be honest…manly because I suck balls and somehow I always run out of ammo really I just have the worst luck with those games so I just can’t beat them BUT I’ve beaten this 1! Lol the only RE game I can beat :joy: I did beat RE 2 remake but only Claires story for whatever reason Leons campaign is what makes me throw my controller at the TV so I havnt been able to beat that 1 at all but in RE7 its actually pretty different its in 1st person and they actually tried to go back to survival horror and in that game there no zombies really you fight these black muddy sticky things which there just ‘meh’ not really creative enime design relays the stars of this game is the fucking creepy hill Billy family that you face
I give that game a 9/10
‘Resident Evil 2 Remake’
It seems like Capcom as been putting out a lot of good games recently there was success with Monster hunter world, Devil May cry 5 I heard was pretty good which also continues the story of the original Dante, Even though I heard RE3 Remake was pretty disappointing so that unfortunate but this game is pretty great I recommend everybody check out RE2 OH! And it is important to play both stories though so if you beat Beat clairs campaign make sure to play leons or you miss out on extra story but this I would give a hard 9

OH!! I could I have forgotten my ALL time favorite horror game! Hands dawn

‘Deadspace 1and 2’

The 1st is a 9 and 2 i would give a 10/10
Now 3 is when they start to fall off unfortunately…the 1st focused on more survival horror when 2 was mostly horror but action 3 was literally JUST action i didn’t care for 3 EA is doing a Deadspace remake and it looks sick! I can’t wait for it!

Hopefully they don’t put Microtransations that would suck…Because you know EA.

‘Alice: Madness Returns’
This game is COOL I mean in my opinion it would be cool to MAYBE in the future if Disney had the balls to maybe do a really dark version of Alice in wonderland? I mean am I the only person who would want that?? infact i would really want Disney to make A Empire Star wars rated MA TV show version specifically focused on the Empire but I know it shall never happen…oh well, but

this game is the CLOSEST I think we would ever see of a R version of Alice in wonderland the original ‘American mcgee’s Alice’ was pretty great also but there are problems with that game like the controls feel clunky and it feels really awkward to jump and thats a big problem because the game is a platformer but these problems were fixed 2 so I honestly prefer that game even though the 1st game is still pretty good its just you really have to get use to those controls
Even though I did feel this could have had a little bit more enime variety but besides that 2 i would give a 8 I honestly havnt got to the end of the 1st game yet mainly because I deleted my save by accident :sweat_smile: so I just decided not to play it after that so im taking a long break before I go back to that game.
And honestly I think all that is the only good horror games I’ve played i can’t think of more right now OH and
I LOVED this game i of course freaked out a lot when playing this because…you know all the dying and then you would have to run all the way back back to the boss again really this game made me angry but once you find the groove you really Start to get use to the game and im not a fan of thes kinds of game but Bloodborne is definitely my favorite Souls related game

‘DarkSouls 3’
Is my favorite souls game, 1 I never played and 2 I hated because they had this whole “Human efugy” I think I spelled that wrong but basically everytime you die in DS 2 a bit of your health is lost and yiu slowly turn hollow so you would need to collect those to restore your health the only problem is that for whatever reason there really hard to get which really just took away my enjoyment of the game because I’m too busy trying to find these things amd dying again, and again in the process.

Oh and if you love open world games check out:
‘Witcher 3’
That game is a legendary 10/10
If anyone loves reto games definitely check out
‘Sonic Mania’
Itd a game that actually came out not that long ago but they give ot that nice pile look im not a big sonic fan but I did enjoyed this 1 I also did like Sonic and knuckles but I energy beaten these 2 really I have beaten any sonic game
‘Rocket knight adventures’
Which is actually part 2 I never played the 1st game but I enjoyed this a lot
‘Mega Man X’
Is also my favorites
‘spider man maximum carnage game’
This game is awesome! But FUCK it is hard as nails!

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REALLY?! OH FUCK YESS!!! I hope EA doesn’t fuck it up though…I think they were in charge right? I know there was other people involved also a company called Spicy Horse if im not mistaken.

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…mmm…Yeah, I actually bought this game (i think I pre ordered it even) I saw the trailer and I was soo excited, I always liked the creepy concept of hell but I felt this game should have been done differently i mean it is for sure brutal but the gameplay really annoyed me especially just simply trying to find out were exactly you needed to go really pissed me off so i honestly just never completed that game i don’t even know where it is anymore i think i might have traded it

in at gamestop years ago i forgot about that game they also had this whole fiasco thing that happed when they were actually censoring the game because it was graphic which doesn’t make sense because I mean…the game is rated M LOL :laughing: look at games like Mortal kombat you don’t see NetherRealm doing that. Now I can’t remember if ALL versions were censored i think they took away nipples in my version but I could be wrong i can’t remember but yeah I honestly didn’t like that game I felt it needed more.

Oh, I just discovered this recently on my pc when I was trying to find something else related to the Goetia only cost me 10 bucks I havnt played it yet though I have other games im trying to beat. :slightly_smiling_face: