The best invisibility spell I know

This technique/spell as I practice it may only work for guys (or those whose male parts are intact) however I’m sure there’s an analog for those born with female parts.

So for background I learned this technique from a spirit I channel with. The spirit is a Tanuki Yokai, who, in Japanese folklore are known for using powerful magic and illusions, and often this power originates from their testicles.

One thing I learned from him was that the Male parts (testicles) hold massive amounts of magic/spiritual power that can be used for practically any spell the user wishes to conjure.

This applies to human males as well, not just Tanuki spirits.

Now then, to go invisible using this technique, simply see your testicles glowing with energy and then see a cloud of smoke or a veil of shadow surround you. Declare in your mind “Invisibility for ____ minutes!”

Then you’ll be invisible. It works really well and it will get stronger with practice.

A few tips to keep in mind while doing this:

Be careful while going invisible near roads.

I went invisible yesterday while out walking and this car rounded the corner into the street I live on and it did not slow down even as it was heading right for me.

I ran out of the way and what not and it was only AFTER I dodged the car that the spell wore off (probably due to my subconscious calling it cause of an almost accident)

Another thing I realized is a way to test if the spell is working or how effectively:

If you look at someone’s eyes while they are walking past you and they don’t look at you back, it’s a general sign the spell is working well or the effect is strong.

However if people do look back at you it means you should likewise reinforce the spell.

  • Rayne