The BALG repository of fantastical success stories with Magick

Maybe not yet the full success story, but at least a half and in progress: I made a quartz crystal engraved with many of Sun related symbols - seals, spirit sigils, astrological symbols, Archangel’s sigil and name and similar shit. I use it for meditation with intention to better myself.

First of all I have recognized after quite a short time, a two weeks maybe, that my addiction I have for years has decreased BY A LOT. I don’t feel the need to go on it again, and I realized that for the most part it was a compulsive behavior, a habit. My addiction is not related with drugs, so I don’t know if it could help with them, but maybe, as Sun is related with healing, life force and sense of purpose. I also feel quite different inside, like something washed my internals. I didn’t have any similar experience with any other stone, I can compare it only with the time when Archangel Michael healed me from cripling depression, but now it is slower and less intensive.


I love this