The Balancing of Paths

Angles and Demons are Spirits in general. they are placed in groups by the JCI. demons dont have negative vibrations nor angels positive. It all depents of the entity you are working with. This is my viewpoint. we have Samael the poison of God who is Angel(I think) he is asociated with bad things. wich means that he must have “negative” vibrations cuz he is “bad”, but at the same time he is angel wich means that he must have “positive” vibrations, right? this is why I thing these things with vibrations is bullshit

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He is not associated with bad things he just strongly oppose some things that appear to be “good” like false light programming

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Just because he is against the idea of people believe in a, one true god and getting off to love and light BS and someone from the sky who will come back to save you doesn’t mean he is bad. Or negative. Well negative maybe as an anti-BS being.
He teaches you how to save yourself and curse the fuck out of your enemies.

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That is what I wnted to say. But my poor dictonary

I didnt meant to say he is bad. I wanted to say just what you say. I hope you understand me

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Yes I do

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I’m glad :smile:

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