The amazing power of Crystals

Before I started my path on learning Magick, I was very drawn to the spiritual community and I learned about the power of crystals.

I learned that crystals are sentient and will be where it’s most needed. I remember I got my first quartz crystal when I was very little, I was bullied and I somehow obtained it. I remember thinking it gave me strength because it looked like something from the superman movie. I lost that crystal after life got better and I started becoming popular among my peers.

Anyways what really interested me recently was how much energy one of these little rocks could actually hold. I had a friend who was in a mental hospital because she was coming off of heroin. She was struggling with delusions and depersonalization. I let her borrow my black crystal necklace which I used for grounding while she stayed at the hospital. Later she returned the necklace to me (she broke the chain) and I put it away in a box.

yesterday, I wanted to look good for class and looked for a necklace to wear, I found the necklace and decided to put a new chain on it. after wearing it for the whole day, I came home and for some reason I was feeling an incredible surge of energy. The feeling escalated to a deep craving for something and I kept drinking water, I also felt like reality wasn’t real and I started to form all these delusional thoughts that I was the only person in the universe.

I had no idea what happened to me and was quite alarmed. But I remember I had lent this necklace to my friend. She was craving for heroin everyday at the time and she also told me that she believed everyone was just part of her imagination.

I am quite amazed at how much of her energy was actually held in such a tiny crystal, and although I feel like it affected me so intensely because I am naturally sensitive to energy, but I think this could actually be an incredibly powerful weapon in magick.

What if you could charge a crystal with focused energy then give it to a friend or enemy for manipulation. I think the potency will depend on how intent you were when you are charging it and how sensitive the recipient is to energy but it’s no doubt a great way to influence others.

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[quote=“MSXY, post:1, topic:8783”]yesterday, I wanted to look good for class and looked for a necklace to wear, I found the necklace and decided to put a new chain on it. after wearing it for the whole day, I came home and for some reason I was feeling an incredible surge of energy. The feeling escalated to a deep craving for something and I kept drinking water, I also felt like reality wasn’t real and I started to form all these delusional thoughts that I was the only person in the universe.

I had no idea what happened to me and was quite alarmed. But I remember I had lent this necklace to my friend. She was craving for heroin everyday at the time and she also told me that she believed everyone was just part of her imagination.[/quote]

Same thing pretty much happened to me when I lend out my amethyst to a friend (she suffered from chronic depression). Before hand I never used to care much for cleansing them, but did ever since that incident.

You absolutely can, I’ve mainly done this for healing and to hold good intentions, but you can also charge a crystal for a curse or for something manipulative

Crystals act weird as well, they “get lost” even thoiugh they were in a sealed box, or change colour, or develop inclusions, it seems bizarre but it’s a common phenom for people who work with them a lot.

I charge crystals with moments of success or happiness, now, as a kind of self-healing for days when I’m not feeling so great, and I sometimes keep them in a bit of fabric with a dot of essential oil, because scent is very good for brining back memories as well.

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