This is a very practical method that can be used for many different purposes, I will first explain how it works, then how you can use it.
What you’ll be doing is direct contact using your own consciousness. You’re not calling anyone or anything to your place so there is no need for opening rituals or banishing. But you can banish any negative energies when you’re done.
To start, sit in any place, any time of the day, where you won’t be disturbed by anybody for at least 20 to 30 minutes. You don’t need to be alone, you can do this outdoors anywhere… as long as no one would interrupt your concentration. If there are noises around you, use your headphones to block any noise, as much as possible.
Open the attached image, and gaze at the center of “the eye” :
All that you MUST prepare for, is to have a specific intention in mind while you’re gazing at the image. For example :
- Contacting a specific spirit of a Demon or Angel
- Communicating with spirit of a dead person
- Divination, for a past, present or future event.
- Knowing what’s in someone’s mind !
One warning: Please… use this ONLY for a specific purpose or contacting a specific spirit. For example, it’s not recommended that you “contact any spirit who can listen or accept to communicate” That would be an open invitation for all kinds of problems for yourself and people around you.
All you need to do is to keep your intention in mind and gaze at the very center of the image. In few minutes, the image will start to change in so many different ways that I can’t possibly predict or mention here, whatever happens, keep gazing and you will see your intention appearing and taking form until it’s finally “there”. If you’re contacting a spirit, you can ask it for what you want, etc
The process is very easy, but it requires some practice because you need to use your will and concentrate all the time, with an empty mind and relaxed body.
Your monkey mind - we all have one! - will try to resist at first, don’t resist back, simply ignore it. If you practiced meditation before at any point, you know what to do to keep your mind focused.
If you wish, you can use this technique as part of any evocation ritual you prefer. But it’s not originally designed as a ritual. It’s a scrying method based on ITC research and it works.
Open the image, gaze at it and…see for yourself !
This is the image you should use :