That Moment When 7: Just Tears in the Rain

Oooh what app is that?

Wiccan spirit board. It’s free and has ads I hardly use it unless I need to because I believe it can be “faked”.

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Tmw 80’s rock tribute concert tonight. Should be a lot of fun


Have a blast Tiberius!

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I just made my enn for my true self. Gah now I’m second guessing myself.

Lirach Pretore On Ca Anay Asmay.
I hope this is a decent enn :sweat_smile:
The song of fire and darkness makes therefore Lord Asmay
@Angelb1083 @Dralukmun what do you both think of my enn? I just kinda threw some things together that I felt was right.


You have to listen to your higher self so if it feels right. It is right.

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It does feel right, so I’m running with it lol
Thank you!

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You are so welcome.

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Tmw you’re dealing with something you cannot do anything about so have to slowly sit back and watch it unfold :pensive:

tmw you invite someone to sing the background vocals of a song that needs to get done one way or another; not because she is an overly good singer or anything but because she seems a bit lost and outsider-ish and you want to give out something to get to know her better as a person and musician. tmw she starts to ride on a “you just want me to sing so you can drop my name”-horse and wants you to prove yourself to her more first because she wants to know if its worth her time and fame.
Lol, bye bitch. :v:t2:


Wow, what a arrogant bitch. Kick her ass to the curb and dont forget to throw her equipment at her.

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Wow just wow

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Tmw today’s channeling from a well known Entity™ (hope not directed to me):

“You have to trust in the decisions of who you put under your command, even if they are bad, even those against you…” (bad translation, I know)

The what? I just was thinking about Oxford and I received political advices & language!



TMW you’re an intermediate warlock and you discover the problem isnt manifesting magic, its manifesting the right kind of things. Not everything you want is good for you, or will aid in your development.

Tmw I gotta come up with a crazy ritual for the Midwestern practitioners group to do together.


Who and why did they bind you?


tmw you go to the beauty salon to do some eyebrow plucking cause it’s been a while and you’re wondering how much of a mess you made but the lady workin over there tells you there’s not much to do cause it’s almost perfect already like please say this again :sob::sob::star_struck:
adding this to the gratitude list cause every little thing counts :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Tmw well, we decided not to go to the concert. The family friend who was going with us could not get a sitter and one of the kids is came up sick, so we decided to stay home to keep an eye on things. But alas there was another opportunity to spend time together via cooking together


TMW you just found out that hyenas laugh when they are stressed. Found my spirit animal.