That Moment When 7: Just Tears in the Rain

:laughing: Classy. :sunglasses:

Meanwhile, there is literally no fucking shortage of toilet paper:

The average person in the U.S. uses about 100 rolls of toilet paper each year. If most of it came from China, this could be a huge problem because supply chains from that country have been severely disrupted as a result of COVID-19.

The U.S., however, imports very little toilet paper — less than 10% in 2017. And most of that comes from Canada and Mexico.

The U.S. has been mass producing toilet paper since the late 1800s. And while other industries like shoe manufacturing have fled the country, toilet paper manufacturing has not. Today there are almost 150 U.S. companies making this product.



Are you kidding me? I have seen people act like money grubbing bastards after a death but this takes the fucking cake. I think there should be a cremation for two going on about now


Tmw your kids don’t have school. I’m using the time to teach them about the old Gods and yeah they look bored.

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Or anything else. A real shortage would be from interrupted supply lines or impaired production. That hasn’t happened. It is literally an artificial shortage created by dumb panicky people.


Takes me back to the old Biblical epic movies, this one’s a classic:


Tmw @anon84896414’s avatar looks like it says “TP”. How ironic.


TMW you almost die choking on soda and have to announce to the office that you are choking and not sick :joy::woman_shrugging:t2:

It’s looking like schools are closing for 6 weeks a dream this momma will be working form home.

But I did get this…


The governor of my state shamed all the boards saying the no better. We keep slammed with hurricanes that do give us reasons to hoard. This is not a reason.

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Prepping isn’t hoarding though, hoarding is pathologically keeping things that you don’t need and which cause you problems: prepping is about being resourceful in the good times so you’re NOT a burden, and so the people who genuinely CANNOT prepare, can get the things they need. :thinking:


Oh the hoard here… it drives me nuts. I am always stocked on water, paper goods, canned goods, batteries etc. just so I don’t have to deal with people buying everything. But everyone should be more then ready for hurricane season now. They have all the tp and water.


Tmw you get told to work from home for 2 weeks.


You make it sound so cool. Just gonna tell people I’m a prepper now.

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Are you going to be one?

tmw…getting ready to watch our President announce complete lockdown :cry:

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This is a cool video , from 4:20 onwards he touches on left hand path philosophy and consequences if anyone watches let me know your thoughts :upside_down_face:
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TMW you have your second obe and you hear yourself start to snore as you leave your body.

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That moment when…you have a dream of fighting both an angel in golden armour with a flaming sword, and a stereotypical Hollywood demon with horns and a tail. And they kick your ass :sweat_smile:

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Twm…no real lockdown but we’ll have to show a sworn statement each time when going outside for groceries or sport or walking the dog or work cause yeah people still have to work. This is gonna be a mess.


Partial lockdown in Finland. Borders will be closed, schools and public institutions. No meetings over 10 people allowed.

Also tmw you start to talk about intuition with a female friend and name of Lilith comes up. As soon as that happens my left calf starts to tickle where I have Lilith’s sigil as a tattoo. :thinking:


My sword should arrive on Friday.