That Moment When 7: Just Tears in the Rain

Did you get a new one? First? (Sorry old
HR Supervisor kicked in).


I have two possible in near future,we shall see :smile:

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I hope you can understand all this stuff.

I need the strong drinks please, the ones that knock ya on your ass. Maybe this this Damn flu, virus, what the hell ever it is will go away before I start my work week again Monday with the 12 hour shifts :laughing:

I got Margarita “wine” in the fridge for when I start studying for Spanish. You need like a hot toddy it would help clear you up.


Hey would should I’m get job then quit next time.

I had no choice, they were strangling me by the point it was either my school or them actually. @Angelb1083

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Yea I do. It’s getting clearer as Decisions are mad and paths are taken. It’s Getting really clear.

Then you did right school First.

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That moment when…more weirdness happens :flushed:

I think my brain is shorting out. I could have sworn there was a post asking how to pronounce the Hebrew BINAH, but when I went to reply, it had disappeared, and now I can’t find it anywhere, even using the search. Did I just hallucinate it or something?

TMW I finally figured it out! @anon84896414 is Yahweh reincarnated! How could we be so blind to not see how much he hates human bodies and all like that!

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tmw a boat license is not as expensive as you thought…hm…hmmmmm… :thinking:

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There’s nothing in the logs showing a post like that being deleted in the last hour. :thinking:


Yoo what do you mean? I asked that :joy:


Dammit! Why was I not able to find the post again? facepalm

sigh Well, that does not bode well for the rest of my day then :fearful:


Tmw mercury retrogade strikes a good one :disappointed_relieved:

Tmw the bbq is spot on!

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Send it send it Damn being miles apart :joy:

Have you been drinking? Do you want me to look for you?

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You did see it, I did as well it was on an old Micah post where he explained “his” way to astral project/travel. I don’t see it now either.