That Moment When 7: Just Tears in the Rain






I like charity shops (as we call them, selling donated good to raise funds) - by thrift I meant that thing of just not spending on non-essentials, though I think as I got older I’m more like, spend on what will last or what’s an investment, and look at what else can be sacrificed for that.

I miss charity shops and hope they somehow make a strong comeback soon. Got some of my most awesome magickal items from those! :smiley:

Did you ever have to do the weirdly-depressing thing whereby you buy it, after saving or working hard, but then have to lie about it being discounted, and then realise that somehow took all the fun out of it? :thinking:

“Oh this old thing, someone at work was giving it away”
 I used to have to do that in my early jobs, seemed to always take the joy out of it afterwards somehow. :man_shrugging:


Oh that looks amazing!


@Angelb1083 Not gonna lie, they torture me with best food.


Put eggs over a serving and yummyummy brunch.

Side note got 2 new baking tins from grandmother

Totally need to bake again.


No, I don’t do these things anymore. I tiptoed around it when I still had close contact to my parents and with some of my back then partners but now I don’t hide the price tag anymore :smiley: But I do love REAL discounts. I don’t feel ashamed with spending big if I think that its worth it (and of course I know that part of the price is the “experience” that comes with it) but I love to shoot sales as well. But I also love to give away and spend on people I like. Thats actually even better, if I can pick something personally for someone (I am not good with crafting stuff)


I think I’m gonna get that bacon out of the freezer and make it. It’s good thick-cut stuff too.


Yeah, that freedom

For a while I was living with fam (long time ago now) and had to do that, or risk getting asked for yet more money for rent, and when I was a kid I had some horrible experiences, carefully saving my pocket money and then getting ripped to shreds for buying something the fam thought I should never be able to afford, even though I’d gone without other stuff fir months, and planned really carefully
 grrr! :rage:

All long in the past, thankfully! :smiley:

Date night? :stuck_out_tongue:


No, just sounds tasty right now. Probably fry up a couple eggs in the grease afterwards too, assuming I don’t get distracted by the mouthwatering tastiness of the bacon.


You know, my parents ripped me off of my grandfathers heritage when I was a little child. Turns out the old man put away some savings for me (I downright thought that he hated me as he hated the rest of us). I found out 4 years ago when I went through some old papers to find something entirely else I needed. It was painful to watch the amount of money growing smaller and smaller (he made a savings book for me) with each passing month. And its not that they used it for my future or something. The money is gone. Since then I am even more paranoid about my sovereignty over my own earnings.


That’s awful, disrespecting the wishes of their father, towards their own child
 damn. :heart_decoration:


Nah, they hated each other so disrespecting his wishes wasn’t exactly new. I just felt heartbroken over the fact that I had to give up horse riding - too expensive. That I wasn’t allowed to take music lessons - too expensive. That I wasn’t allowed to take part in the athletic sports team outside of my school - too expensive. Everything was “too expensive” and finding out that it was in fact not - that shit hurted. I was devastated because I wasn’t “worth” these things.


Tmw I really wish I doing normal quarantine stuff however, I’m now in a different hospital waiting for my little Mr. To get Surgery.

I did fly from the land of the few sick to the plague land.


He’ll pull through, he’s strong and stubborn just like his mom.

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Tmw you realize just how easy it is it to slip into the mentality of a tyrant as opposed to a king. It interesting how in your face spirits can be and challenge the lines you draw for yourself.

The difference is that the tyrant is ruled by fear. The king is not.


That’s why meditation and self discipline is so important for rulers, and family leaders, it helps you keep calm and not freak out or over react, and to not make decisions based on fear.

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Exactly, and meditation has been my response to it. It’s not easily to put your hands up and walk away for a moment to really reflect but it is better to act with clear purpose than to react to fear.

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You probably already know this, but what they did is illegal.

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Wo kein KlÀger, da kein Richter.
My grandfather forgot to exclude my parents as Vermögenssorge, this would have been the safer solution. The family court would have been more involved with everything if he passed over his house to me instead of money, for example.
Could have, should have, it doesn’t matter anyway. The money is gone and so is everything else. Could I put a lawsuit on their asses? Yeah. But what for? They don’t even know that I know.

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