That Moment When 7: Just Tears in the Rain

Yeah, maybe I should close my eyes again, but I don’t know, I think it was enough.

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I got two votes on Game 1 for tomb raiding around myths for my first game and 0 votes for game 2 which is 1940 supernatural and mystery based

With a tie breaker I had to roll a virtual d20 dice i misplaced mine and game 2 is the storyline were going for

I wonder if you are seeing the what happens before my gate vision? Because when I get that vision it is a lot like what you just said you are getting.

I am so wide awake because a damn vision woke me up.

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TMW you get stabbed in your dream but as you wake up you found pain is still there?!? :thinking: How?

tmw you bless a delivery service for offering a dish you haven’t found anywhere else in 5 or so years (yeeesss, self cooked and stuff. But it never tasted like it SHOULD) and the cravings got REAL the last couple of days. Thank you so much :weary:


TMW you wake from off and on sleep feeling like you got beat with a 2x4 or something. Wtf happened. Oh well got my card readings to interpret today.

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Tmw you are so lazy you cant even go to market :tired_face:

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This might one of the few times in the history of the human race that laziness actually saves lives. :thinking:


Tmw binge watching pandemic movies/shows, and enjoying them. But then again, I am the guy who gets nightmares from sleep mediation videos while sleeping well to horror stories, so this shouldn’t be a surprise


The weirdest stuff gives me nightmares too. Like not much scares me and I live for the Halloween events here, but some kids show can give me nightmares :woman_shrugging:t2:

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I can understand that, some of those shows have some pretty messed up undertones if you pay attention. Idk, the macob has always been a source of comfort, probably from being exposed to horror movies and shows at an easily age, as my uncle tended to disobey my father’s wishes. Got those old 80s horror movies in my system straight away

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I remember watching them at sleep over partied. Scaring the crap out of each other all night long. We did Bloody Mary and Ouija boards. So it just never bugged me. But some of these kids shows I am just like how does this not scare babies and toddlers.

TMW a few months people did rituals to cancel exams, and now the coronavirus cancelled their exams

Tmw seeing the video of a Cristhian leader, and is interesting because he’s an inteligent guy, and hear his way to spech barely change when preaching about the bible is just a total capture of attention… until you understead that he’s not really talking about the bible and god and the devil, he’s just talking in codes.

In my first vision I saw a civilization beteween little mountains and close to the water, the last thing I could see was the sunset.

I’m sure that I saw like 15-25 demonic kings, I’ve never tried to contact them before and for now is not in my agenda.

The entities there seemed to have different cultural way of dressing but it was obvious the energy bond they sharing.

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Hm I’m torn between three tarot decks for my first one, Arcanum tarot, Gilded Royale Tarot or Witches Tarot.
I have no idea which I should get, maybe I should just write they’re names on a piece of paper and pull it out of a hat.
Anyone have any recommendations?

Why tf do chiropractor offices have the kundalini staff symbol no way they know what it means spiritually

That’s what I thought it was but no reference to kundalini

I don’t really know what you mean tbh.