That Moment When 7: Just Tears in the Rain

At this point of time I’m his survival is debatable and he definitely no lingers need me for anything other then feeding and driving him. He is very much his own man :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Have you been listening to disturbed by chance? They have an amazing set of music and in almost positive the vengeful one uses those words as well. I keep being drawn to that song :laughing:.

Tmw DUMBASSES in my state didn’t want to listen to quarantine so starting tomorrow statewide curfew of 9pm daily going into effect. Unless you have papers proving you are an essential worker.

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I hate periods of stagnation. I need to figure out the next step I need to take on my practice, and actually get going with it.


Here a fun fact for anyone sucked into the Tiger King rabbit hole.

I seriously heard all the rumors at some point. I have never been to the rescue. I have always seen signs and have been to the little Store front they have down the street in the mall. I have driven by a million times.

anyone ever heard of this book
The secret teachings of all ages
10/10 occult book lol teaches you
About everything , succubi are negative thought forms that feed on the lower impulses of the summoner , besides the few that come directly from higher up entities

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I do indeed listen to Disturbed, and yes, the song I woke up to playing in my head is The Vengeful One. I got turned onto the band by a friend back in 2012 or thereabouts. However, It’s been a while since I last listened.


Makes for a good alarm clock song. Got it on for Mondays so its gonna blare out in a few hours. Should probably go to bed before then :thinking:


That moment when…you learn that country singer Joe Diffie has died from complications due to the coronavirus :cry:

Yes, it might seem strange to post about a country singer just after posting about the rock band Disturbed, but I am very eclectic in my musical tastes and listen to a bit of everything. I have Joe Diffe’s “Prop me up by the Jukebox (when I die)” in my playlist.




TMW the only thing you get after kundalini working is heart pain.

If a nigga put a gun to my head and said spell out سنثحبكيسنيمدوً , tell my family I love them

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TMW mindfulness is useful: get a window open and listen to the birdsong this morning folks, it’s glorious here! :sun_behind_small_cloud:


أنا أضحك على ذلك

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6 new “assignments” since yesterday.
tmw you seriously ask yourself how in the world the CEOs could possibly break into a panic mode when it comes to a decay of inquiries.
I have seriously no idea how we are supposed to keep up with that stuff.

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TMW you just want to sleep forever :sleeping: :tired_face:


I don’t need no bitch, just my kundalini and the ether - Nikola Tesla

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That moment when an advertisement for a holy Bible shows up on BALG. Me: “GET THAT COW DUNG OUTTA HERE! YEET!”

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TMW you wonder which demon possessed him when he composed this masterpiece:
(metal song starts at 7:35)

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