That Moment When 6: Happy Trails to TMW! I'll Hope to See You Soon!

Were you close before that point?

Not to close, he would check on me from time to time, I wasnā€™t even aware he was my father back then, he would pop by in my dreams often, guide me in my visions and talk to me, but he suddenly stopped and threw a binding on me. He also watched me in the physical world

Hm. Belial is anā€¦interesting teacher (I say that with admiration). How he approaches it varies by person. For me, one of his methods actually led to me straight up threatening him. This was to teach me to essentially grow a pair and fight back, even against those who are far more powerful. I am wondering if this would be an example of him pulling a ā€œluciferā€ where he makes himself known, helps for a bit, and takes a step back while presenting a challenge to see how you handle it on your own.

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Iā€™ve already petitioned Opfaal for his aid removing the binding, Iā€™ve also been meditating on a rune thing that Velenos gave me, thats known to help remove bindings and such from a person.
Im trying to remove it, I just wonder if Belial will be harder on me then others when it comes to setting up challenges.

I donā€™t know about that. As I said, his approach seems to vary

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I donā€™t think removing the binding will be this easy however, its to easy a route to take I think. I should just evoke him and demand he remove it, if asking kindly wont work, which it hasnt in the past. This will be fun

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Could very well be the answer. It is an approach that often seems counter productive but asserting yourself as a sovereign being is also part of what Belial teaches. Good luck.

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What about a series? Do a introduction book and then one for reach element? That way you are NOT burning yourself out over one book and it wonā€™t look like one of those intimidating books. I think as a series it would be super popular and so much easier on you. Just remember to sleep since I see you always saying you arenā€™t. Your need to sleep so you can dig deeper and come out of it all victorious.

TMW ā€œcan you open the box in your room and bring it in to the living room.ā€ Is said and this happens.


Tmw you fail your pregnancy glucose test, which I barely failed but it wasnā€™t totally unexpected considering 1/3 of my pancreas died.

I hope the test tomarrow goes better.

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Oh no, but the three hours twat seems to be so common now.

TMW My shitty neighbor just got the outski. I'd like to thank Andras


Tmw you keep having dreams with a ghost child In them a small boy I donā€™t get why they are different situations but, he keeps coming to me :eyes: I hope I donā€™t have a child spirit attached to me Iā€™m not a mother figure at all.

Glad you can get some peace of mind & quite at your apartment :grin:

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Super smash bros

Pretty much but they also packing it really bad. I hope the Xbox 360 that was tossed in there with all the books still works. My son collects gaming systems.

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Oh thatā€™s a good thing. Hopefully the next one is awesome!

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Tmw an occasional nine hour shift actually does not feel too bad after a series of 10-11 hour shifts for the last couple weeks. Now to enjoy two nights off

Odd question is it normal to say a deity enn in your dreams?

I could see it happening if you have been hearing/speaking it often enough. Iā€™ve never had it happen on my end though so that is completely a guess.