That Moment When 6: Happy Trails to TMW! I'll Hope to See You Soon!

I am not sure if fasting is necessarily for me. Ontop of my more active life style, whenever I do a big ritual, I’ll eat the equivalent of two chickens to myself as it is. It seems to trigger my survival instincts (grew up without enough food). Combine that with fasting and I may end up eating a goat (and likely getting sick). The best I have been able to accomplish is eating blander foods and water as a version of fasting via a lighter diet.

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Its not for everyone I suppose .:thinking: I myself find full on fasting way easier than limiting myself to something bland. Plus meditation gets easier for me on the second day, and the meal I have after a longer fast, just tastes way better than any other time.


I should correct myself. I do find the fasting style the muslims use during Ramadan helpful (eating before dawn and after dusk, as well as refraining from sex, drink and smoking). However, with working third shift, it is pretty much my normal now, minus the smoking and sex part. It does not have the same effect anymore

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Tmw after performing the “discover your enemy” ritual from Magical Attack, your roommate comes to you revealing all these “reasons” the attack on him, myself and my wife cannot be his lover interest by pinning it on someone who I know has no interest nor experience in magic. All while reeking his lover’s energy as if he was being glamoured. Very interesting developement


TMW you wonder if there is a demon that takes care of allergies because you realized how crappy you feel and just about rolf´d for real with that comment.

TMW @anon48532061 teaches you a new word. Brava!


Tmw Google recommends me too read an article about Carolyn Kerns

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So fed up with shit.




Tmw you have been working on yourself more and I was looking for a pen in a purse I haven’t used in awhile but have checked often, I found 5 dollars and a diamond necklace that was misplaced.


When I told Azazel I wanted to get over my ex having her stay here for two weeks wasnt what I was expecting


IME that’s the best way actually, it’s the hardest to pull off because of the emotional minefield, but if you can pass that obstacle without letting your emotions react or get the better of you you’re in good shape. :slight_smile:


So its double exp week is what you’re saying? :joy:


TMW you get gifted your 4th Bible this year along with a christian science book :joy:

But also $50 and vegan chocolate chip cookies


That moment when…you win a $20 Skull Candy gift card from the McDonald’s Monopoly game :open_mouth:


And you skipped right to the final boss of the level/situation, with only the self in your head to your name. It’s a challenge run! That definitely fits with an Azazel. :slight_smile:


Challenge excepted :smiling_imp:

I was reading he was master of alchemy too so I feel I should evoke him and ask for some help in that regard just dobt know how to get more specific.

This song just came on

The premise of the song is trusting yourself and confidence above everything else


Tmw a box full of copper rings and owl figure just appear



TMW emotions suck. :sweat:

Tmw magical opps. While ;blinded by fury at the stupidity at work, I pushed out the will that I just wanted the night to end quickly. Another incident of massive machine failure led to everyone being sent home. Apparently the path of least resistance was striking machines we have failed to PM (standard maintenance and cleaning to keep them running for those who have not worked in a factory) in order to save on overtime

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