That Moment When 5: It's dead Jim


This is one of his sayings

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:100: agree with lady eva


Summer days drifting away to a huh of a summer nights

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@DarkestKnight really how lucky. Have not seen it anywhere here yet

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It’s all over the place on the web now. I’m sure you can find it.


Night y’all have a goodnight or morning


Cooooooool. Found a 5 mins excerpts n trailer
Thumbs up



Lucifer pops everywhere now in songs,videos and readings…and got new insights about a new nine demonic king working.


Tmw… you took a 3 month break to recharge, pick up your workings and find £50 cash in a puddle, an insurance claim suddenly comes good for £800, your love life suddenly picks up & a new business venture comes along with the potantial to double your income :dizzy_face::dizzy_face::+1::+1: … talk about a major blockage shift!


Tmw you once again forget to set up an alarm…and sleep till 1 pm.
On the other hand the Lemon Macaroon iced tea is passable…though not as good as the Blueberry muffin one. Though same could be said of the actual treats, now that I think about it :thinking:


Tmw you can’t get a song lyric out of your head:

“Welcome, stranger, into this home.
Hear of the acts brought upon my soul.
Malice dancing in the moonlight tonight
Ticking of the clock won’t stop my insanity.”

Edit: whoops, forgot to mention the song. Its Phantasmogria by Project Solstice, an original song made by three YouTube singers. Not my normal metal or rock, but nice to listen to


Tmw I feel like Belial will be the one to open up the Qliphoth instead of Lilith, if he hasn’t already. And tmw said demon decides to chime in on your health choices


Tmw anyone want cookies

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That Moment When it’s cheesey horror movie time.


Tmw you have a typical conversation with Belial

Me: so, are we back at it again with the Qliphoth.
Him: yes. You. Me. We have work to do.
Me:… you just sounded like a sign on the entrance of a bdsm dungeon.
Him: …are you insulting me? You make it sound like I ask a lot out of you.
Me: Upon the first meeting you demanded a filet mignon and a fifth of top shelf scotch. Yes, you ask for a lot.
Him: -amused- you are an infuriating human when you have regained your confidence. We will begin in a month’s time.

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That moment when you realize that your Ouija board didn’t make it with you to your new house so you may have unintentionally created the beginning scenario of a cheesey horror movie…oopsie daisy . 🤷


Someone’s trying to butter you up :joy:

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I left mine at my old house as well…after painting over “goodbye”…

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Right lol he wants those offerings

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Ha ha ha :laughing: not cool dude :rofl:

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