Thank you to King Paimon ($63k windfall + 12% increase in salary)

I’ve been working in a job that pays me reasonably well i.e. around $130 an hour.

I’m also entitled to 28 days paid annual leave a year, but some employers get around it by saying $130ph without annual leave entitlement, and will be 12% less with the annual leave entitlement, or come up with all sorts of excuses just because I’m on a bank/locum contract (even if it’s directly with my employer as opposed to an agency).

This is the situation at every place I’ve worked for the last ten years i.e. getting shafted out of my paid annual leave entitlement one creative way or another.

Since this is the first time I’m getting paid and hourly rate and working directly with an employer, I thought for the first time, let me fight for my rights, and what I’m legally entitled to.

So I invoked King Paimon and asked for help with getting my annual leave entitlement.

He said it’s a done deal, and also added that I would benefit from additional contact with him on a weekly basis.

I sent the HR department a list of my annual leave (around two weeks) and bank holidays, which came up to around 16 days in total. I thought I might not get the full 28 days, but would have been more than happy with those 16 days being paid, with future 28 day annual leave payment agreement as a solid bonus.

But you’ve all read the King Paimon thank you’s and testimonials, and he usually overdelivers.

Well, that’s exactly what happened. I just got an email saying sorry, we made a mistake, we will add this to your annual leave entitlement, add 12% to your monthly salary towards this AND give you a one off payment of $63k (28 days every year I’ve been with this employer so a little over two years i.e. 62 days) AND will get 12% extra added towards my salary every month towards this 28 day annual leave pay.

Thank you King Paimon, for always delivering more than expected!

I promise to take up your kind offer of regular help and will connect with you on a weekly basis.


This is awesome!!

We know who’s buying the drinks now.

Thanks for sharing this awesome experience.