Thank you, Bael and Sallos

I just want to publicly thank you, both Bael and Sallos, for your great help regarding a couple of issues I had. I was following the steps outlined in Demons of Magick by Gordon Winterfield.

I approached Bael about a month ago and yesterday it dawned on me that he has worked in my favour in ways that were very subtle but effective.

Sallos worked swiftly. He gave me a result within 24 hours of my contacting him.

These have been the only times I have ever gone to a demon - I am totally new to this - but I am astonished and very grateful for the help these two have given me.


Congrats! Hail Bael! Hail Sallos!

Did you perform simple petitions for results or were they connective evocations?


Thank you, Solomonder. :slight_smile:

I performed simple petitions. In time I will attempt to connect with the other methods of the book. Even just making the petition, I felt that during the part of the ritual where I looked at Bael’s seal, there was a strong presence for a few moments that I’ve never quite experienced before. That night I woke up with the image of the seal very clearly in my mind’s eye.

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Sounds great! The simple petition ritual is quite strong by itself, and it sounds like you got some pretty great results! The only issue with that ritual is that you need to be able to use naked flames, and unfortunately that’s not possible everywhere. If you can, take your time before progressing to more complex evocations just so you gather some experience. Or dive in head-first, if you feel like doing so! What really matters is that you enjoy the ride, the Goetics are a wonderful bunch. :grin:

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Yes, I was a little wary at the outset because I didn’t quite know what to expect, but I feel more confident with it now and definitely want to progress. I’ll probably work with the petition method a few more times, and then hopefully I’ll venture into the second ritual of the book. :slight_smile:

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Sounds like a plan :grin: it is a bit of a leap to the second ritual but with practice and with a relaxed approach it can be performed quite easily. Trust Winterfield when he reassures you that, no matter your doubts, it is working. The structure of his rituals is really clever and it has become pretty popular, you just need to ease into it :v:t3:

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Yeah I really liked the book. I’ve worked with Damon Brand’s books in the past and they have served me well, but this is the first of Winterfield’s I’ve tried. It’s all been very easy to understand and more effective than I expected, even in the beginner stage that I’m at.

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We come from the opposite banks of the river, I have started with Winterfield and I’m looking to try Brand’s methods as well. :smile: His work too enjoys an amazing reputation, I’m glad to hear you had success with it! Their methods are reliable, but the power and authority always lie with the practitioner :woman_mage:t3:

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Brand’s Magickal Servitors I found to be very effective. Also his different angel books are good. I forget which angel I chose to ask for help one time, but I also felt a presence as I went into the ritual. I can’t say the feeling was as intense as when I looked at Bael’s seal - it was a different kind of energy. But in its own way, it was fairly strong.

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Amazing! It makes sense that different “kinds” of Spirit behave differently, I am very curious to experience it myself. Thank you for sharing your experience with me :blush:

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You’re welcome, and thank you for your feedback, too. :relaxed:

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