Terrible headaches

I need help I’m having terrible headaches all of a sudden. I’m not getting through with Lucifer and my house is packed so it’s very hard to meditate. Can someone reach out and let me know why my head won’t stop pounding. I have never had this before

Try hydrating yourself (drink water) and visiting a chiropractor.



When did this happen?

Sleep helps

Get your blood pressure checked, when it’s too high it can cause bad headaches. If you do have HBP, please get on medication for it.


Get some medication to relieve it! If it has to do with your energy body! Some chocolate and lots of water helps! If you can’t meditate or lay still to regulate your energy wear something on your right wrist! Just not too tight! Enough to feel it and direct the headache to it. Hope this helps!

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Seriously, I visit a chiropractor approx. every six weeks and sometimes a lot more. Also, once you’re on blood pressure medication you’re on blood pressure medication whereas magnesium lowers blood pressure and does a whole heap more.


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all the suggestios are good but sometimes it just happens i get them after i do my rite n someimes wen i dont

Drink a coffee,
Drink a beer,
Drink a whiskey,
Chase your dog around the yard.


There is 40+ reasons to headaches.
Dehydration, muscle tention, neck-lockups +++
Can you determine where it origins from ?
Neck up, or just plain in the middle of the head pain ?