Temporary Lovers

Thank you

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She was not like that in the beginning
She had depression and other issues too
I became a wreck because of her

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You really need to practice shielding to protect yourself from being so affected by ambient energy.

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Hello @Lamia_NightStorm,

Yes, I need to work on that. It is something that started to happen when I began working with Lucifer and I got my Lucifer ring. I experienced something similar (briefly) when I was pregnant with my son. But, it was spirits that I was attracting. I remember working overnight and seeing a little boy in the facility where I was working. The door would open and I would see a little person standing by the door. One time I was falling asleep by my desk and I saw him run right behind me. The door opened on me while I was in the medication room (very attention seeking), and the lights flickered every time I passed by. But, that only happened during my pregnancy.

You might want to try NLP if you haven’t yet.

It is very different from traditional therapy and you can do it on your own time if you want without having to see a practitioner.

There is a great book on this called Get The Life You Want by Richard Bandler.

He gives you ways to do it step by step and reasons why it works, and how it’s helped cure life long phobias, ocd, traumas, negative programming, etc when traditional therapies failed to do so after decades of trying.

If you have audible already, you can get it for 1 credit.

Otherwise I’ve seen it cheap on amazon for like $10 or so.

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Yes! I love it. I will look into it. :blush:

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NLP is offshoot of hypnosis. I’m trained in both. I think the guide to trance formation one is better. so that he can learn the tools. =o) But they both good. Or just go full on learn hypnosis. haha. "The elipsis manual by chase hughes is highly recommended for communication and it covers nlp and hypnosis. For practical influence everyday usage social interaction. Check that one out too.

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It’s probably transference. Someone who has issues will break you down cuz you care for them. There energy will affect your well being. Especially if your around them. Thats’ where energy training comes in. Visualize a golden sphere around you rotating and reflecting bad away and let good come in. And tell your mind to program it to run 24/7.

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Thanks but sometimes i cant concentrate on my life because of this issue
I have a hardtime letting go someone
My innerself is craving for revenge for what they did to me

tai chi training would help. If you like that approach of calming the whole mind/body/spirit. movement is life. that’s why i don’t prefer yoga. it’s too static for me. I rather dance like tai chi.

Look for what you have in common between you and potential partners so you can enjoy and share in similar interests together and can always keep each other interested in conversation, surface level bonds built on things like sex and desire usually don’t last long , focus on one person you like and trying to build a future w them

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Yes, I agree with everything you have told me. But, I’ll be honest. Recently, I have been feeling like a man in my dating life style. Lol I was never into surface level bonds but lately I’m like … this is what you are working with? Ex. I was really into a guy and after hooking up him. My interest died. I then tried to give him another chance but I kept thinking of feeling unfulfilled. :woman_shrugging:t2: I couldn’t continue talking to him.

Its easy for you to get woman
You are john wick

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I would say just use the universe as a catalogue , write down all your desirer traits in a mate and feel good and meditate on it 2x a day, try to tone down the hookups w diff ppl if possible it can start making you numb once you have so many different peoples energies this is why the chad guys always looking to increase body counts and girls that think they’re some holy goddesses never feel fulfilled at all and go in endless cycles of having ego problems and feeling like there never enough pleasure

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I was telling a friend that I might also be going through early menopause. My body and emotions are going through so many changes.

Meditate meditate , focus on what you want in life and in a partner and with health , I have no knowledge about the menopause thing but honestly just be careful of who ur sharing energy with

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Yes, that’s why I toned it down on the dating. I was online dating 6 months ago and that can be addicting.

Yea, you’re reality is your consciousness pushed out , just get an idea of the person you want , focus on being grateful for him and hold that feeling most of the time when you can and don’t look back to being unhappy , feel good most of the time

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tatoo my name as a sigil on you and it will ward away the opposite gender. lol =o)