Tell me the experiences you had with lucifer?

What is the appearance of lucifer ?! Does he respond immediately when they call ?! Tell me a little about your experiences with him …

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There are many experiences with Lucifer and you can find them all in the forum (just use the search function).

He’s an amazing spirit and really helpful! I’m glad that I work with him and he also responded right away!


Thank you :black_heart:, I read all hahaha, but I want more …


I’ve never done an evocation with Lucifer. That being said I’ve haven’t needed to so far. I’ve seen him as a child in a dream and as an adult in meditation. He had blonde hair that was kind of curly and blue eyes. He didn’t speak but communicated telepathically. His voice is very calm.


For me he never actually shows up when I call him, he kinda comes and goes while watching me. He definitely lets me know he’s in my life and has a very pleasant, light, and contagiously joyful presence. From what I’ve gathered he will distantly guide anyone who asks. Though unless you are supposed to be working closely with him, he isn’t really hands on. However your questions will always be answered. You will NOT want for knowledge. He can be very strict with those he directly mentors. For myself he’s always had golden blonde hair and been an intimidatingly attractive adult male. His face, eye color etc changed each time I saw him.


He saved my life.

No details.


He calms me. Cleanses me and removes anxiety. I call on him to guard and guide me during my works. I cleanse my house with his love and light.
For me he is a well suited Dennis Quaid


Well, interesting you’ve asked…

I just wrote this a few days back.
Might help you gain some of the insight you’ve asked for.
In regards of whether he anwers when being called,
yes, generally he does.
Just notice that he’s very patient and careful when approaching people for the first time,
and sensing they may not be ready to fully see him as he is.
So changes in your direct enviorment, circumstances turning out in your favor over someone else who by all logic normally would have had the upper hand over you, those are usually signs of him approaching you in a nice fashion and indicate interest of working together.

@anon72564005 Maybe you’d apriciate having a reed on my linked topic aswell.
And Maybe some day you’re more seddled and distant to the events which had taken place, and wish to share your expieriences with us by then. Don’t hurry with it. It’s good to have respect to the own boundries,
just bear in mind that overcoming limitation is easier when you have others who walk the path along your side.
Glad you’ve made it and continue within our world here. Be blessed!




He was my first spirit I spoke with, I have seen him in many forms horned demon

^This, peacock, dog, panther, hooded man, shiva (blue skin four arms Hindu refers to Lucifer as Shiva) he can heal chakras.


I believe they where many forms. I feel he was well aware of my fear of working with him. His first presence was a stunning golden light


It wasn’t about how difficult that situation was, I just didn’t want to talk about possibly triggering subjects such as attempted suicide.

Anybody that knows what I’ve recently been through knows exactly how difficult my life has been for the past couple of months, short story is that I was set on killing myself via gunshot to the Head, Lucifer intervened and did some work on me in order to allow me to be able to cope with the suicidal ideation, and for that out I will ever be grateful.


@anon72564005 simular story. Thank you for sharing

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I’m really sorry it lead to misunderstanding, i really ment you to be in a better and safer situation before telling your story.
However, i’m very glad you’re still here to talk with us and i honor Lucifer for giving you good direction,
combined with direct intervention.

