Teleportation JINN Magic

well Is there anyone here that can do magic like street magitians like dynamo I believe they use Jinn demons cannot to these things, what other beings can teleport objects and please coment on some book about this


Street Magick like Dynamo performes it,
and Demonic Evokation like for example i perform it,
are completely different branches of magick.

we sometimes help each other out, but that’s as much as military sometimes helps the police out,
if you want.^^



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I know him and he does knot explain the unexplainable tricks dont be confused

I am studiing about jinn and it seems they are only one who can teleport and move things they build oslomons temple


Comedian Ricky Gervais "this is Insane" Magician David Blaine - YouTube this is something else

talk to iblis.


well I am a bot angels s side because the demons fucked me up I dont know iblis I know satan can do the same stuff can someone share their experience with iblis

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Iblis and Satan basically mean the same.
One is muslim the other Catholic Pantheon.



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Thank you I am still a little scared to worked with satan I worked with azazel lucifer and belial but satan for me is another level I know it may sound stupid.
Do you believe that he can give me a jinn to move objects for me or like teleport money or steal money for me. That would be my dream come true I would become a hermit and never speak about magic to anyone again I would delete my whole teaching people occult business.

well, that’s a matter of your own degree of devotion.

he can grant you familiars,
and yes, that greatly affect’s what you’re capable of doing.

Satan is a name i don’t refer to very likely,
it definately is a good response to have some respect.

however, looking at Ut-Shamash, or Satholas,
can help you get behind that barrier,
and get you familiar with him,
on more realistic forms,
of what the original dark god was like,
rather then religious colored dogma and mindgames playing out in your head.

i woun’t provide sigils for them.

Read, and work through some of E.A.'s Video’s to get a hold of it.
If you really are that interested in physical manipulation of events,
you should have a look at the kybalion.

I guess that may be common knowledge for you already,
but just make sure you’ve processed some of the principles into your understanding.



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Not all jinns are powerful enough to convert the frequencie and bring it to you
I like to think that the jinn that you summon will end up being a reflection of your energy

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which entities can do that hindu entities

Street magicians like Dynamo use many things to perform their tricks, including different camera angles, cuts, gimmicks or just plain video editing. All of Dynamo’s tricks can be explained without bringing any entities into the account so I don’t think what he does can be considered as “magic” it’s just a well thought visual illusion that fools you into believing it’s impossible to do without the assistance of a supernatural being (not to say that no street magician or a performer has ever used help of external forces, it’s just highly improbable that a persona such as e.x. Dynamo is one of them)

If you want to work with jinn it is not easy, requires fasting for 7 days in a dark room with a circle of protection. But if you do find some who are willing to help you the offerings are dependent on the jinn. Jinn are also very present at graveyards and in the woods. I was told this by some family who dealt with sahr a lot.

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