Telepathy techniques

so when can we do this again?

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Great to see your teachings up again my man @AdamThoth!
Much excitement and gratitude sending your way from West coast Canada! :pray::japanese_ogre:

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Thanks and you sending the square? Lol I just woke up. Perhaps it was your telepathic influence :wink:

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Yep lmao. Wow your sensitive to telepathy links hey brotha?
My mentor @Yberion and I have been progressing with sending each other fairly detailed sigils 100% telepathically, then we trade off our portal or perspective of the image( which begins flashing into detail direct center of my third eyeā€¦
We or I actually are attempting to find a clear way to create a video that somehow shows (maybe live stream plus witness volunteersā€¦ Iunno itā€™s a work In Progress and our last communication was regarding magick squares lol


If anyone wants to practice telepathy Iā€™m down

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OK Iā€™ll send one but Iā€™ve got a lot of work to do this morning so one is all Iā€™m going to send for now I might do more later tonight if I can. Iā€™m going to send a pm to @Rory_Mclellan to validate what it is because Iā€™m going to go out on a limb here and predict that you will be successful in receiving. Iā€™m going to transcend space time and retroactively send it so that you will be feeling and thinking of this one even before you make the decision to post that you want to participate. So think about the shape you were thinking about before you posted a few minutes ago asking if anyone wanted to practice with you. That will be the one and Rory will confirm it.

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I got an image in my head but my third eye canā€™t quite make it out

Is it a heart

That is yellow

No try again

Iā€™m getting like a straight or curved line

Iā€™m not as good at picking up images Iā€™m currently trying to improve my senses in those categories but I can send words better

Think about the image you had in your mind right before your first post asking if anyone wants to practice today

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You can do it, you had an idea of one of the shapes and you were excited to do this thing this morning.

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Just type the first thing that comes to mind.


I guess he gave up. :confused:

Kk thank you very much good sir. I hope my interactions had not impeded your day at allā€¦ I will hang tight b4 I post my answerā€¦ USUALLY feel symultaneously, the accuracy of received communication feeds the details of the imageā€¦ I find itā€™s kinda like Evocation to physical manifestationā€¦ The more you rely on your internal minds eyeā€¦ The more it tricks your physical vision with the details filling the astral " structure or frame". Anyways, my apologies if I incited more interaction for you to cope with @AdamThothā€¦
Mostly wanted to portray my excitement to work with your teachings but love to participate herešŸ‘Œ.
I will keep an eye on this thread constantly. I hope you a have a fantastic Day and look forward to chatting soon when your free.
Darkest blessings my friend(s).


@AdamThoth want to try to talk to each other with telepathy

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