Telekinesis success

Hi everyone, been working on telekinesis skills for a few months. Started with a chi wheel but recently I developed my output enough to move aluminum drink cans. Here is a link to my two videos of moving a drink can.

I just had a feeling that there was a Sorcerer’s method of doing it. As opposed to the touchy feely stuff lol. And yes, if there is enough interest on here about it, I’ll do a tutorial post on it. Thanks

Definitely interested, here.


Beautiful job :heart_eyes:

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Ahh that’s so cool! Definitely interested!

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Definite Interest!

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Very interested!

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Totally cool

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Awesome! I am interested as well.

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Me internally, seeing that can move:


I’m very interested I’ve been trying to learn magic of the mind kinda thing that was amazing

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Major props my man! Well done!


Even though that effect can very easily be faked by very simple methods, I’ll just go with it while also ignoring the atrocious dubstep, and ask you to post whatever tutorial you have in mind.


Yeah, I know lol. You have to expect the doubters. And I don’t blame them. Everything can be faked in video. i wouldn’t want them to believe it. I just put this up to give open minded people some inspiration. Just to have fun lol


I am interesting in knowing more about this ‘Sorcerer’s Method’ and the mechanics behind it.


Those are really impressive. Thanks for sharing!

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Thanks, watch em while they are hot because they go offline tomorrow night.

My homies in telekenetics!

I’ve wanted to learn about this all my life.

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Yeah those are cool. This stuff really works lol

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Much like an archaeologist that makes a discovery that goes against the current theory, regardless of proof if it doesn’t fit what the majority sees as true it’s considered invalid, and to promote the discovery renders the archaeologist discredited by his contemporaries.
The occult it’s self is not considered a valid study by the greater population anyway. Even among occultists certain things are not considered valid.
A good example would be my Telepathy thread, regardless of the fact that the thread has shown a 90% success rate of most of its participants it’s skating on thin ice, even among occultists. I simply can’t afford the damage to my credibility by involving myself in telekinesis, being an occultist is already damaging enough.

The world may be ready for such things in a couple hundred years and guaranteed when we make contact with alien species that demonstrate it, perhaps the world may reconsider it’s validity. Until then I’m going to have to bow out of it.


I’m thinking that looks easier than getting my husband to understand and obey the laws of physics so he can make robots that actually work. Breaking the laws of physics = easy, teaching someone to understand them = hard.
So, yeah of course it works, but what is it good for? How will it actually improve my life?
On the other hand, yeah, it defiantly sounds like a fun thing to try.