Teeth Cavities

No offense but you sound like the same people that tells me Magick don’t work. there’s not credibility.

Also tell it to the millions of people that it has helped including me. I think they would believe their life experience. It’s a supplement not replacement for dentist.

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Then dont market it like a cure all. Because it’s just now you are saying “its a supplement not a replacement” when you were suggesting it was an absolute cure.

lol. you assume such. I did not market anything as cure all.I did not suggest anything. I just posted links to materials to help him. You went off on your own agenda.

I know my own self. i would never suggest things that i have not research or know about. I am a certified holistic practitioner so i’m well verse in the healing field. U don’t have to listen to me. Everyone should question all but to blatantly dismiss without looking into it. Your trying to limit people’s options.

“Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.” buddha


Remove processed foods. Sugars. Grains. Oats. Etc.

Eat organic (best you can) meats. Fish. Oysters. Fish oil. Cod fish liver. Beef liver.

Nutrients dense foods. No processed shit


I agree with most here, see a Dentist. I started invoking folks from the opposite side of the railroad tracks for help with money … rather than as my teacher told me, shouldve filed bankruptcy instead. Had a cracked molar and tried Raphael and others, and as someone pointed out, I had to suck it up until it fell out and healed on its own. Now thinking of getting composites and posts myself.

Remove grain as well. Human teeth used to be almost perfect before the invention of agriculture. Only after switching the diet did they have terrible decay.


Grain and sugar are huuuge factors ya.

When I was younger I’d needed a bunch of fillings and oral surgery because I was on an amino acid formula that destroyed my teeth.

I’ve had a lot of luck in repairing them after I modified my diet and added a few things to my daily practice. Oil pulling with coconut oil helps a lot. It’s not going to solve everything or repair damage that’s already been done. But it does help a lot.

Also, there are a ton of studies that show that the teeth are connected to different organs and different regions of the brain. This is because of the nerves and arguably because of the energetic centers (meridians) With that in mind, I’ve gotten in the habit of sending reiki to the areas of my body that are related to a corresponding tooth that is hurting. It seems to help.


A dentist created cotton candy


archangel Raphael helped me, in 10 days (10times invoking - calling his enn) I saw results…

I was lying on bed, chilled, in my headphones played enn by S&S, and I repeated their words, when I had contact with him so I asked him to heal my tooth (held intent which tooth needs heal). During treatment I felt gentle frequency preasure in tooth.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UVdZyQmWJ0&t=36s it is from Satania, not from S&S (satan & sons) as I told earlier, but it is no difference xD

yes, completly healed, I had a hole in tooth and in the hole a decay , all is healed and fine…
unbelievable, is I do have no hole or decay in the tooth.


Thank you! :slight_smile:

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