Techno mage… I have always wanted to learn more about the inclusion of electronics and technology in witchcraft and magic.
A lot of people say that the universe is made of energy, which is made up of a type of binary code. (A sort of matrix , or fractals I thought) And if that is the case then all forms of magic energy would be potentially made from the same type of energy.
-The black screens of phones and televisions are considered by some to be black mirrors of a sort. And when we do Internet searches it can be akin to Scrying.
-I remember reading about something called Radionics (some people call it electronic witchcraft) which is used for healing but also for hurting other people apparently?
-Also people do exorcisms over Skype (as well as energy healing) but I don’t know if anybody has managed to multiply the potency of these acts by combining them with electric/ electronic Internet energy.
-Some people use Phone apps to contact the dead and for divination as well.
-I remember somebody discussing contacting the thought form of the Internet for information.
-I also remember a discussion about whether or not artificial technology will advance far enough to be able to cast spells or perform magic on its own.
I know these things seem random, but they are what comes to mind first for me when I think about electronics and magic.