Teachings of BELIAL

I think it has more to do with long term perspective. Maybe he is only tolerant because he’ll see a turnaround at some point. I cannot say that for sure though those are the feelings as if thoughts that come through me. Have to keep in mind i have modified myself with Belials energy so I have a close connection to him. Its how I like to do magick.

I know this thread is old, but it might help me. So yesterday, I evoked Lucifer for reasons I won’t mention just yet. I needed to work with King Paimon, but I wasn’t really able to evoke him at 1st, so I requested Lucifer’s help. I was able to reach King Paimon through his assisrance. I was so impressed by all the energy around me I decided to try to move an object mentally. Lucifer then told me i needed to work with Belial to be able to do that. So my question is, does Belial have this ability? I know E. A Koetting has previously mentioned in one of his videos that Belial is the guy to go to if you’re in trouble. Strange things like paperwork missing can happen. Correct me if I’m wrong. With that said, I just need to know if he’s dor sure known to be able to move objects around. Thanks in advance for any input.

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I think Belial is currently engaged in breaking certain laws regarding what can be done on this physical plane, so that, rather than any specific link to telekinesis, may be why you were told this.


So basically learn what I can do with my own mind/brain/intent?

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I’m going to go out on a limb and say first ask Belial to banish whatever’s blocking being abler to do this, then evoke Belial-within (you are also the cosmos yourself) to conduct this work.

My personal take on the 9 Gatekeepers concept is that these each are also within us (I do treat spirits as very much external and real persons, usually) who we can “transfigure” into/merge with. This isn’t meant as “so this is what it means for everyone (or anyone else)” - just the lines my current work is going down.

