Tarot Spread : Input needed

I would put this in my journal but I do need input, and my journal doesn’t get a whole lotta traffic.

The question (I can’t front load) is What did my lady energetically do to me? - when shuffling I did ask a more specific question but it’s better not to front load.

Basic 4 card spread

Son of Cups - R: I’m getting neutral vibes from this. Usually this card means someone who is quiet and reserved (which tends to be around my ladies personality) but is on the inside intense/etc. Reversed…I’m not sure. Maybe hiding or the stuff from the inside is coming out? This card has to do with the emotions.

Justice: I don’t get malicious vibes but more of a “make your choice” vibe from this card. The tails connecting also relate to what I know happened. From what I do know. Or even like a decision has been made and is being acted apun.

Ace of Swords: I find this card interesting. It’s an action card and I see the infinitu sign wrapped (as a colorful snake) around the sword. With lightning. Maybe this connects. The Ace speaks of new beginnings.

5 of Wands: I get “iffy” vibes from this card. The wands (they look like sticks to me) are scattered around and the card has little color to it - seems bleak.

Input? Also I would like input on how well I am interpreting the cards.

OK, let me take a stab at this and I’ll preface it by saying that I am by no means an expert reader. Son of cups I believe corresponds to the page of cups in most traditional decks. It can refer to a younger male who has a water sign and is also a card of messages, particularly as related to love. So in reverse, it could possibly mean that you received an unwanted message or heard something you didn’t expect to hear. Or it might quite literally be referring to an immature male who is a water sign. Justice is also known as the karma card, so I’m not sure if this is referring to a decision made with regards to you or another individual. You rightly said that the ace of swords is a card of new beginnings, but it is followed by the five of wands, which is a card of arguments and conflict. Again, I don’t know if this is referring directly to your girlfriends relationship with you or a third individual.

Anyway, take this with a grain of salt, I hope that I could be of some assistance. Best of luck to you.

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Well this is in reference to my spirit lover. She’s female. However the water sign matches something, but wasn’t thinking her…

Oops, sorry… I took it to mean a human lover. But I’ve read your other posts and if it’s in reference to Lilith, it sounds like you need to relax…and trust. I’m not so familiar with marriage pacts with spirits/deities but if it’s like relationships with humans it’s not problem free!

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It’s about my lady, not Lilith. Thanks for taking the time to help, I appreciate it!

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In any event, I wish you the best!

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Hello. So, here goes. The son of cups to me is very reminiscent of the ace of cups. The fact it is reversed appears to be bad news. Perhaps the end of a relationship. Justice, the ace of swords and the 5 of wands. I see a court battle and the truth coming out during that court battle. The 5 of wands indicates fighting and conflict. I would pull clarifiers from there.