This site was linked on
It’s pretty cool. I’ve done a few readings and they’ve all been accurate. You can choose from like 20 decks and 10 different spreads. Just wanted to throw it out there. Good place to get to know Tarot and some of the different spreads and decks.
The cards are “shuffled” randomly using some algorithm based on a digital time seed. In my opinion, the very mechanism that influences when and how to shuffle a deck when giving a reading can just as easily influence the outcome of the digital mechanism along with the timing of the person using the site and when they click the “start” button.
I would say, if you don’t have any bias against a digital read and your intention is to obtain the information, the forces at work would be just as effective online as they would be with a physical deck in hand.
That’s just my personal opinion however, I could be totally wrong. However many studies by the Noetics group as well as W. Tiller’s works, Heart Math Foundation, The Global Consciousness Project, and many others - have, at the very least, concluded that the minds influence over even the digital realm is statistically significant in many cases - especially when working with a random number generator.
I say, give it a try hehe
Not as precise as doing it by hand, but the conversations I have with the analog deck continue online, and the same kinds come up in the same places with the same meaning.
Not as precise as doing it by hand, but the conversations I have with the analog deck continue online, and the same kinds come up in the same places with the same meaning.[/quote]
Wow - very well done site. I must say, that is probably one of the most on target - absolutely spot on, no question readings I have ever had. I am blown away. Just - wow!
Thanks Sultitan_Itan
I have used the [url=][/url] before and I agree it works. I feel that this platform works well because at a base level everything is connected by energy, and it is an electronic medium…Mind over matter…I am going to try the [url=][/url] site now…Thank you DK The Mage and Sultitan_Itan…
[quote=“redcircle, post:8, topic:279”]The medium of a divination should make little difference - be it bones, runes, cards, or 1s and 0s…
If the same will is present, results will follow.[/quote]
Hey RedCircle
I could both; agree and disagree with this. For example - the bones aren’t exactly the same will - rather it’s the will of the operator and the spirits with whom the operator contracted with to utilize the bones. But, at the same time, it is the will of the operator. if that makes sense.
The other methods, in my opinion, at any early stage of learning to divine through them, are effective based on how well the operator vibes with the particular method. Of course though, after divination is mastered, you could throw a clod of mud at a dogs face and divine anything to the clearest detail. So, yes, I agree. But no, I don’t agree
I, for one, am no master diviner, but I vibe well with technology and 1’s and 0’s heh - so, my intimate knowledge and love for the machine very well may have an impact on that.
Sure, if a different method is at play, there can certainly be variance. But inasmuch as the divination is up to the will of the operator, one medium should be as good as another. And to paraphrase what was said earlier in the thread, if a person isn’t comfortable with a particular medium (be in an unfamiliar deck, a website, etc.) then their results may well suffer.
It DOES seem as if charging a deck with your intent or preparing it through ritual might be a bit more difficult with a virtual deck hosted on a website, however…
[quote=“redcircle, post:10, topic:279”]Sure, if a different method is at play, there can certainly be variance. But inasmuch as the divination is up to the will of the operator, one medium should be as good as another. And to paraphrase what was said earlier in the thread, if a person isn’t comfortable with a particular medium (be in an unfamiliar deck, a website, etc.) then their results may well suffer.
It DOES seem as if charging a deck with your intent or preparing it through ritual might be a bit more difficult with a virtual deck hosted on a website, however… ;)[/quote]
They key words here are “should be”
In fact, I know of people who can use the Waite deck flawlessly with excellent results and foresight - but who just can’t, for the life of them, get any results with the Thoth deck.
Granted, there’s a myriad of factors at play here - and one’s clairvoyance is one of the biggest. There may also be mental blocks at play as well. But, I can guarantee that nobody would be able to throw bones the way a voudon initiate can. Even if your clairvoyance is well developed, there are secrets one can only hear from the whispers of the spirits with whom one pacts to acquire the bones.
But I get what you’re saying - logically - it should produce the same results. But in practice, I have yet to see one’s skills with one divination device carried equally across all mediums - even familiar ones.
Another factor at play may be the different types of clairvoyance in use. Between cards, mirrors, candles, dice, bones … they are all very different mediums, using very different types of information. For example, one may break it up into the spiritual sensitivity of the 5 senses. But it is interesting. However, I also tend to still believe that the medium itself can have an effect on the effectiveness of the reading. Whether large or small. A normal black mirror - vs - a black mirror constructed to adhere to the laws of visual perception and information may have such a difference that even a non-initate/magician would be capable of using it, or at least seeing flashes and flickers in it.