Tarot Card Newbie

I’ve wondering which tarot deck I should buy as a newbie? Could anyone recommend me any? Just so you know I’m on budget too so I’m thinking of buying them cheap but good quality. I saw some on Amazon. Do you buy a certain tarot deck if your drawn to them? Then decide buying them trusting your own intuition? Thanks. :v:t5:


I bought my first tarot deck based on my budget… I wasn’t drawn to it, there were others that were more to my liking, but way more expensive as well. But when I received it and opened the package and touched them for the first time I was surprisingly attracted to them. And the more i was looking at them, each card one by one, the more hypnotised I was. If you can buy one that you feel attracted to, go for it. As for recommendations for a beginner I’d say its the Rider-Waite. That was my first deck as well.


A tarot deck is a tool. They accomplish one thing: getting information. Buy the one you like.

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Get the one that speaks to you the most.


Thanks for all of your advice. :sparkling_heart:

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One last tip that may or may not important to you

Most of Amazon’s tarot cards are produced by this company, and all their product use a thin, kinda cheap paper. I really dont like it, so I mostly collect from other company. Just for heads up

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Which company do you use?

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There’s several I used
HarperOne comes to mind as their card in my opinion has the best quality paper wise

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You mean Harper Collins?

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Im sure the name of the publisher/company is HarperOne or else i remember wrong. I’ll check when i get home

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I’d stick with the traditional rider Waite if you’re new. Get the radiant deck as the colors are much better and the pictures are more clear.

Every deck created by a different artist will have semi different meanings for different cards. The rider Waite is a good beginning to build a foundation of knowledge and then expand later on with different decks.

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I am using the The Witches Tarot, also I’m new to tarot but I choose the deck because of the art, I’m a graphic designer so I like the art to look cool i guess?

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Also you could use your tarot into your spellwork so maybe that is a factor to keep in mind.

I just have a classic deck. I think it cost me maybe $7-9. But I also had free Prime at the time so shipping was free for me.

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I don’t do spellwork and never have but I will consider in the future.

Funny because in the UK it’s a little more expensive. They’re under £15. :sweat:

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Yeah, I cant even find my deck online anymore :confused: and every other one seems to be $15ish too. Hmmm…

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But if you would like to do spells work with the tarot I recommend The Tarot Spellcaster by Terry Donaldson and Tarot Spells by Janina Renée. Fun books to integrate your tarot and build a relationship with the tarot.

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I use the Thoth deck, which I bought at my local friendly neighborhood New Age/Wicca shop. It was the first deck I learned on.