Tarot app working for me

I got a Tarot app because I’ve been reading about its uses in magic and I figure I’d get an app and play around with it just to get used to the card readings. It’s called “Tarot!” by the Fool’s Dog on the App Store (Apple IOS) and I got it on my iPad. Well there’s a spread that is supposed to fortell your upcoming week, so I did the spread in the app on Saturday last week (since it starts by describing your Sunday) and now it’s Wednesday. The cards were right!

So far I have realized false aspects in my environment on Sunday, which was the fortune of the Tower Reversed. On Monday, where I spent my day at an amusement park, I experienced selfless acts of kindness from other people. The card for that day was the Devil Reversed. Tuesday was a resting day and marked the end of many things, as symbolized by the Three of Wands Reversed. Today, unfortunately, was dominated by the Acr of Cups Reversed; I had a very shocking and conflicting morning. But it’s over now and turned out not to be that bad.

There are only three days left in the week. Thursday is supposed to be a good day (3 of Cups Upright). Friday might be good day, but there is half as much chance that I’ll need to be cautious (2 of Swords Reversed). Saturday is likely to also have a misfortune or at least a nightmare involved (9 of Swords Upright). Even though the theme for this week is misfortune (Temperance Reversed), I’m glad that the cards seem to work for me, surprisingly with this app! It’s a big achievement given that I’m a natural skeptic and take things with a grain of salt until I can prove it for myself.

Once I get used to reading the cards, I might buy a non-electronic, solid deck of Tarot cards. But for now the app works fine. :slight_smile: It’s been rewarding and surprising.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that the Tarot! app uses the Rider Waite cards.


Interesting, are there any for Android?

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Hey I like it.

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Raider white tarot are pretty good, been using it on my android for a year


I use the Galaxy Tarot and Galaxy Runes apps, each gives a daily card or rune, and often, they are spot on. Its also convenient to have access to a deck or bag all the time, though i am that psycho who carries my physical runes everywhere with me. I highly recommend both

I have an android phone


I use the rider Waite tarot deck although I lost mine :expressionless::expressionless::expressionless:

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The Galaxy Tarot app uses the Raider Waite deck

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I own a necronomicon Tarot pack

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Eww apple. <-- Christianity

Tried the “Celtic Cross Tarot” from the windows store. Pretty good with lots of explanations. Seems decent. Free.

Will try the Android tablet later (after work). Hopefully one of them supports the split hexagram.


Real decks are cheap enough and the feel of shuffling the cards is important to some. Like when you just know when to stop shuffling. Got a bunch of decks just to see how they felt. The GD deck just clicked.

Might gift my unused decks seeing as that’s the witchy thing to do. After the house renos, I have a few things to pickup from storage. Will gift some of my decks to people on this forum.


Since you like haunted relics, does this deck have a history?

Galaxy Tarot on Android. Wow. Nice friggin app. I’m sold.

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I have a Rider-Waite Tarot Deck. Barely use them though. I’m more of an I-Ching person. I’ve downloaded the “Celtic Cross Tarot” app from the Windows store. Looks pretty good.

I just bought the Itarot! App and holy shit so far its 100% accurate

No this deck i purchased at the Royal Adelaide Show its not haunted.

Ah bummer! Just to clarify, there is no sarcasm in me about this.

I can’t find galaxy tarot on Google play…

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Thanks rahnoren but it says it’s not available in my country. Too bad!

tarot.com is pretty good, I only use it on my desktop PM but they must have apps and stuff. I use them quite a lot, pretty accurate, and cheap.

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