Taking cocaine or other drug before a ritual

Don’t, a family member of mine heavily did hallucinogens and it’s done but the opposite. Changed them (personality and psychosis wise). Not made them grow.

I had to watch that, and trust me it does nothing but bad. Messes up your brain in my opinion…

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It can also make pre-existing conditions like skizophrenia worse.

Or can cause psychosis (more rarer) from long term use. It does cause dependency to. Not everyone but I’ve seen my share of the bad of alot of drugs ( some “safe” and some not).

As a Satanist, and although I am not laveyan, I do agree with stupidity being the number one sin in lhp. If you’re gonna have sex, wear a raincoat, if you’re going to use drugs do so infrequently, and definitely in moderation, if you’re hungry don’t overeat


Funny, I smoke about 5x a day everyday and I’m yet to experience this “aura rip”.

Dude doing mushrooms befor a ritual will strengthen it so much as long as you get your focus on the task, especially if you get emotional from them, I’ve also had good results from LSD the first time I tried it was able to project to the fucking President and offered to shake his hand and afterwards when I said something wise enough he said commendable then shook my hand firmly,. “I didn’t project my sight to where he was figured it would be easier not to just knew I’d be able to send my spirit there”

Pot used to make me think hella more spiritualy and seemed to help a little bit with basic energy movement.

When I finally do my mass curse vs superpowers that fucked with me for years I’m going to be on shrooms, I did a tarot read about the idea and the card said there would be no repercussions to projecting my trueth.

Most people when they do shrooms Ina group end up doing energy work together for some it’s the first time ever and they all just sit down and pass orbs around.

When I first did meth it helped same with coke but not anymore unless it’s the first time in hella days and then I think about God and stuff like that your spiritual energy grows faster at first but if you do prolonged use it sorta cuts off your ability to charge up, but they do cause sleep deprivation which helps with rituals alot especially just being able to see there actually energy in a physical way not in your mind. But yea coke meth I had to charge up with thought slash words then it helped, shrooms and LSD charge the shit out of you.

I haven’t done DMT yet but it’s called the spirit drug by alot of people like do a nice long charging process on a sigil and evoke then do DMT, most people instantly go into another world when they do it so you should have a very good chance at seeing the evoked spirit like life like.

I got a friend on here that had to stop doing weed would wire his mind like how LSD would just not full blown said it was nice for work but couldn’t take the feeling anymore.

Myself I’m on probation so I can’t smoke right now which sucks. Yea I can see having a time period where it would be harder meditation Wis after quiting if you just smoke all day everyday just being sober makes you feel retarded.

Btw the perfect rolling tray for inside your car is a frisbee no one ever suspects it and it works hella good.

The whole concept about wayward spirits I’ve never noticed about with pot, but yea I have a huge crowd around me at night time or if I start doing meth I’ve noticed that.

Meth sucks btw, I was just homeless and did it for a while so I sorta still get that urge the long term desire is real

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Well I don’t crave weed but I’ve had several moments the last month I thought… if I only had weed I could escape reality a moment and have that deep dark nightmare less sleep. We are getting severely off topic. Sorry op.

I roll my own smokes to, and btw never use pot in the machine it breaks it. I found that out when I was like in 7th grade my nabor tried useing the machine that jam loads them and because it’s sticky it just breaks it.

I’m in California so it’s legal here but I’m in a special court program where they say itll fuck with my meds so they won’t let me smoke. I’m not even schizophrenic I’m a targeted individual the shit that fucks with me is all man made with technology. But luckely it’s almost stopped or the last two years.

For asthma huh I can see because there stress related but never put those two together and though pot as cure.

Definitely get your medical card it’ll give you peace of mind about ivand you’ll enjoy it more.

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Yea a little off topic :worried: mainly my bad I’m a blabber mouth. I’ve been waiting for his response about the earlier post.

But yea can’t wait to get DMT and use it right after evoking a spirit, most people describe it as I stant astral but you can still move your body if you try to but our see yourself in a different realm. DMT is hella safe to my friend was trying to prove that to me so he found a video of some dude doing a humongous amount in a needle just made his trip last longer.

If you mix a capsule of 2cb and a small amount of mushrooms like only need one gram of them in tea you’ll just want to smile hella bad and you’ll get the ability to see the energy of all the trees and living things, it was mainly all one color but in pit h black I could see the trees still.

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I have used weed and LSD often in my rituals and I gain a lot of benefit from them. I like using weed during chakra meditation as well as grounding before and after the ritual- it also blurs the line between my conscious and subconscious mind and immediately gets me into a trance state. LSD connects me to the divine in such a way I have yet to even comprehend in words, it opens me up completely.
As for other drugs, I can’t really speak much of. I will say also, get your bearings on working without the drugs first. They can become a crutch often times if you don’t. You have to make sure this is truly what you want and if the drug in question is worth working with. Consult your guides and think long and hard on why you want to use it in ritual. Study it and align yourself with the energy of it. Be wise.
Thats all I can really say, have good day!

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Bad idea.

Probably not a good idea.
I’m new at this LHP stuff but not new to drugs of all kinds. Meth specifically, I’ve seen people be harrassed and taxed by whatever spirits they attracted. I had a dream a few months ago, it was about magick, and I woke up and channelled into my dream notebook something about meth being used by parasitic spirits to create a food source for them, as well as the long term altering of your psyche and darkness that comes with meth (especially meth and being a male) is used to their advantage to create food and maybe bodies for them to act through.
Was an interesting dream.

I have heard psyches can be great for ritual, but I would honestly become pro at it first as the combination sounds risky as hell.

One cool thing I just realized though was that the night I channeled my succubi’s name and had sex with her (without knowing what was happening, thought it was me doing it via meditation lol) I was up for a good 3-4 days and could see her floating in my living room as white light and fog.


Psychedelics can do amazing things for the headspace but this is one of the areas where I’ll say “get to where you can do it without it”

I’ve had profound evocation experiences on Weed, Psilocybin, LSD, and DMT. Nearly every time I get strong spirit contact. It opens your senses wide and you sense the spiritual far better

Some say MDMA can do similar things, I don’t understand it though

Cocaine and the like? …no. Sure you might feel like you invoked a god and tell everyone you are (your favorite diety) incarnate, but you also might be the type of person to get half the room hating you after you’re 12 lines deep repeating the same thing 6 times and have no idea because that’s kind of what it does.

I’ve done evocations on Pre-workout with DMAA and it’s not ideal. You can’t relax and go into trance. Your skillz don’t matter at all at that point because your CNS is artificially redlined and no your will can’t bring it down or else you wouldn’t do drugs you’d just pump your state there at will.

Subjective synthesis is huge, your belief and ability to emotion the whole ritual plays a huge part but you’re also working with other consciousness during evocation. They don’t mix well with that headspace when it comes to formal contact. You might channel some quite well from there but Coke is going to merge you with your experience, not pull you from it.

Observing your own ego, introspection. Not flights of ideas and sudden boundless confidence. Those are results, not rituals themselves.

Psychedelics mimic Theta Gamma Synch. Stimulants are Alpha/Gamma waves all the way. No theta to be found. No trance. Just go go go.

I’d avoid it. Definitely don’t make it a regular part of your practice unless you need deeper wisdom (they always hear you, you might need more confidence in hearing them)

If you want to mix enthogens with your practice I’m a very big fan of DMT. Nothing can prepare you for it, and I actually heard Belial for the first time when I went there. You’ll get a flash of insight that’s exactly the one thing you need to hear in that moment. Then you’ll feel like waking from a dream

THC can do crazy cool things too but spiral out too far and you might wake up to a bunch of answers in a journal spaced in between stuff you thought was profound at the time

My personal favorites:

“The sandy beaches of Eternity”
“Time is folding in on itself. Infinitesimals at Yin and Yang” (…what?)
“I’m going to save humanity with Porn!”

Fun stuff, you’ll see. Worth it if you can laugh at yourself after you forget the slightest clue what trip you were on.

You also might craft a truly genius way through a huge problem with a very simple answer that side steps every issue in a big area of your life. I bypassed a huge business problem and sent a text to my business partner at 3 am that fixed a critical issue that would have ended the company.

Whatever they are, space it out. Otherwise it’s just another trip, keep it special and it will be

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I did shrooms when I was extremely depressed in Alabama. I decided to go to the park and then I went to the gym. I experienced such euphoria and realized everything was alive with spirit. Afterwards, i had this sudden thought to look up a list of demons where I stumbled upon a demonolatry website and found myself crying because a demon matched an entity i met in a dream.

That’s when I delved Into demonolatry.

It was a really spiritual experience for me and I believe it cured my depression for a short period of time. When my depression came back, I then had demonolatry to hang onto in order to fix years of trauma.

I think it is good to use in moderation, especially when experiencing a dry spell in life.

For weed, I use it to relax. I dont like to use it before or during ritual or meditation because I feel like it doesn’t count. It is much more gratifying to reach a heightened state of mind on my own than with the aid of drugs. I also feel like the progress made is an illusion, and that you aren’t truly building yourself.

I will use it while I’m reading and studying because I end up having huge revelations about myself and how I act, and I write these realizations down in a journal. So it can be good for that.

It really is all up to you. Try it and see what you think. That’s the only way for you to know.

Be careful because you can go fucking insane, and do not get addicted. I was in a world of hurt when I was addicted to my psych meds and I will never ever again touch a pill or a drug.

The only exceptions for me are ketamine, weed, and shrooms, but used rarely and for specific purpose.

I also find nothing wrong with microdosing hallucinogens for therapeutic reasons. Studies have shown that it can help those with major depression, and I’m all for it.

I’ve heard both amazing and terrible things about ketamine. What’s the draw to it for you? It’s a dissociative so I imagine a sort of Nitrous Oxide feeling from it (which would be terrifyingly wonderful if it lasted longer than less than a minute).

Most meditation pulls one from the merged experience so the operator begins to see they are more than the contents, thoughts and feelings of their mind. Dissociation where cause and effect aren’t guarranteed, they have a choice in everything if they can pull back instead of merging with the experience where mechanistic action -> reaction.

Deeper in shows that time, space, and existence as a whole is all made of the same thing, all the way back to Zero State where all is one yet “nothing is.”

Other forms go the other way and merge you with the experience. Pendulum between seeing the matrix and being part of it.

Does it lead to anything like this for you? I’m always drawn to substances from a spiritual perspective first and then try to incorporate what I learn in my practice in daily life. I’ve also heard of horrendous addiction stories that has my guard up around it.

Meant to reply to you and not the thread, oops

I haven’t tried it yet, I just have it on my list of substances that I’m okay with ingesting. The interest for me is therapeutic. There are clinics opening that do ketamine therapy. As someone who suffers from PTSD, I imagine it could help me overcome a lot of mental blockages I have and open me up to experience what I practice with a clearer mind.

In case anyone is thinking this is a good idea, this is where the op is at. :point_up_2: