Taking cocaine or other drug before a ritual

Is it alright??? Anyone done it before or another drug

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I myself haven’t done it, but there are a few people that have claimed to have done so, namely LSD and weed. Supposedly doing drugs enhances the experience, but again, I haven’t done it so I can’t say if it does.

You could try searching the forum for threads where people discuss doing it.


Everyone is different and honestly I’m one those that say if it works for you then grate. But at least for myself I don’t want to be limited to drugs to do things spiritually or anything in general. I find this limiting and sooner or latter I would need more and more to attain the desired state which I know will affect my health as well as growth in the long run.

But there are people that use natural drugs such as Marijuana or mushrooms to help them. You don’t have to go for a man made product in fact if you are planning to use drugs for rituals (not saying I am promoting just recommending) go for the natural rout. There is plenty of natural drugs out there and some no one really thought of. But each one has its side affects and may or may not be extremely dangerous to use especially for someone doing it the first time.So before you do anything do your research and find a trust worthy source for info and the product.


Ok thanks a bunch

Ok I couldn’t find any so I’m checking other sources




Just be careful , this stuff can really open you up



Let’s start we start with a bit of theory here.

When you practice your goal is to work with spirits via senses. Now because you are specific I will be too.
Work on our senses gets us in a higher vibration to maybe see something or hear something.
Your ascending… You get in a higher energy level.

What does Cocaine do? It will get you in that higher vibration during or maybe a day after using it.
But because you skip sleep your energy levels will go down. At the end you will reach the opposite effect and get in a lower vibration. And the chances are: How more you practice and you go back in using that drug. This lower vibration will effect you even more. Even to the level of a spiritual attack.

Now let’s keep it general. What does drugs do with ascension? You will need much more time to ascend and the more you use, well to be honest forget ascending then.
Let’s say you want to use, but not use that much. Well the results than mostly are that you get on a higher vibration and drugs push you back, every time. You aren’t evolving, even if you think for that specific time you do.


Don’t. You’ll get spiritual parasites and Secondly it’s too intense For a beginner. I almost went insane, don’t do it.


I second to this as well. I can vouch for a lot of these things with a friend i had.
A ex friend I of mine used weed for “spiritual” purposes. The thing is she became so dependent on it she felt she needed more and more of it. Soon she became not just depressed from the “lack” of experiences but also emotionally unstable. She could not tell no longer what is her imagination, real spiritual knowledge or simply a parasite or false information. She would spend so much money a week to get more, to get high more to get a experience. Spirit was no longer a source of growth and development but a drug it self. No experience equaled to not happy that equaled to doing more. She slowly got eaten away by parasites and her own self that when I told her that there was a demon in her room looking at me she said that was impossible because she works with angels.( I was literally just started this path when this was taking place) Her true senses as well as her physical became hindered trying to compensate for “experiences” on top of this I noticed she couldn’t remember some of the most basic stuff in life as if her mind was being erased. This was what lead to our down fall in the end.

So I have to agree drugs are not the way to go. Develop your self naturally and strengthen your sense naturally. It will take longer but in the end you will be stronger then those that depend on drugs.


It’s what fucked me , weed rips your aura wide open

Of course you can use drugs. There are no rules in magic. If you just can keep it on a moderate level. I use weed when guidance is nowhere else to be found, and strong hallucinogens maybe 1-3 times a year. The important thing is that you don’t get attached to it, and that you can ground the experience and actually use it to make a change for the better in your life, be it small or big.


Yes, you can use any substance to help you achieve the void or theta gamma sync. There are some South American tribes that use the cocaine leaf and chew it to enhance their experience and achieve this goal it helps to thin the veil and to commune with the spirits on the other side. With that being said they also use it mostly in ritual and rarely any other time. So, yes you can use it but don’t build a dependency on it let it become a crutch that you need it to achieve your end goal.

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Check out Edgar Kervals and Koettings coming bookrelease. It’s about drugs and magic.

Don’t is very good advice

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You should read Alexander Dray he has a really good paragraph about it.

Weed can cause hallucinations in some people.


I would not recommend cocaine. However, I would recommend weed or mushrooms (micrdoses) in very low, moderate doses.

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