Synchronisation - Communicating with divine

what does it mean?

Here you go. You can always search in the thread, this one I’ve mentioned.

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My friend always sees 2222.

I always see 242

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I keep seeing synchronicities all day everyday when I pick up my phone. Like, it happens multiple times a day and has been going on for at least a few weeks now. Just now I picked up my phone to find its 21:21. The other day it showed 13:13 on the 13th of January. Its literally as if I’m being led to pick up my phone to just find another one, even in the middle of the night when I wake up shortly and pick up my phone.

Don’t really know what to make of it, as I can’t link it to anything. As in, I’m not noticing anything happening, either good or bad. It’s actually getting a bit frustrating (hence decided to post about it, to get it of my chest), as I just dont know what this could mean, if anything at all. :woman_shrugging:t4:

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from my own experience its the spirits way of showing “i control your life, for good or for bad”

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@alexis15 Mostly when we see the number 2222 we can remind ourselves that we are supported and that everything will be alright. You’re making great progress. Keep going.

242 Connection between you and Angel or Daemon. It tells you; you are open and receiving guidance.

@anon97962063 2121 tells us how creating inner peace and balance in your life. When you stay positive, be grateful and take inspired action to change for the better. You will feel better and move forward in your desired direction.

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@Reiki_healer333 They don’t control your life. You have free will within the boundaries of the Universe. Some don’t believe in Karma. But let me tell you, some things will come to haunt you.

What I was saying. If you work with spirits and you ask something, you have to be willing to take action. Now, nobody is perfect, they know that. So, you may not always succeed. Then try again, until you succeed, but never give up! By taking action, starting to change. That’s you. Spirit only guides and help us on our way. You control you and nobody else.

if the spirits dont control us, how comes they are able to perform curses and kill for us? wouldnt that infringe on the free will of the other person? they clearly dont want to die, so why can spirits do that? are spirits somehow exempt from karma?

When you summon a spirit, you are the one responsible for any actions they take on your behalf so it is your karma that comes into play, not the spirit’s. You are their door into the physical plane. You set the task. If you order them to kill, they will kill, but the consequences are yours.

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